Since a few hours ago, when I paste with Ctrl+V in Excel 2010, it pastes values, not formulas. It appears that the default has changed, I do not know how. From what I found, that can only be done assigning the shortcut to a suitable macro (I know I did not do that!). Any h...
DisplayPasteOptions 如果可以显示“粘贴选项”按钮,则为 True。 DisplayRecentFiles 如果在“文件”菜单上显示最近使用的文件列表,则为 True。 DisplayScrollBars 如果滚动条在所有工作簿中显示,则该属性值为 True。 DisplayStatusBar 如果显示状态栏,则其值为 True。 Dummy101 仅供内部使用。 Dummy22 这是COM ...
DisplayInsertOptions 如果应显示“插入选项”按钮,则为 True。 (继承自 _Application) DisplayNoteIndicator 如果包含注释的单元格显示单元格提示并包含注释标识符(单元格右上角的小圆点),则该属性值为 True。 (继承自 _Application) DisplayPasteOptions 如果可以显示“粘贴选项”按钮,则为 True。 (继承自 _...
如果能显示“粘贴选项”按钮,则该值为 True。Boolean 类型,可读写。 expression.DisplayPasteOptions expression 必需。该表达式返回“应用于”列…
6. And then click OK to close the Macro Options dialog, and go on closing the Macro dialog. And now, when you paste the data with Ctrl + V, the data will be pasted as values by default. Unlock Excel Magic with Kutools AI Smart Execution: Perform cell operations, analyze data, and ...
This example illustrates the various paste options in Excel. Cell B5 below contains the SUM function which calculates the sum of the range B2:B4. Furthermore, we changed the background color of this cell to yellow and added borders.
表达式。DisplayPasteOptions expression:表示 Application 对象的变量。 备注 这是一个 Microsoft Office 范围的设置。 该设置影响所有其他的 Microsoft Office 应用程序。 如果将 DisplayPasteOptions 属性设置为 True,则会关闭 Microsoft Excel 中的“自动填充选项”按钮。 “自动填充选项”按钮只存在于 Excel 中,而“...
DefaultWebOptions Contains global application-level attributes used by Microsoft Excel when you save a document as a Web page or open a Web page. Diagram Represents a diagram. DiagramNode Represents a node in a diagram. DiagramNodeChildren A collection of DiagramNode objects that represents chil...
Also, if you frequently need to cut and paste cells with relative referencing, you can customize the Paste Options to make "Paste Formulas" the default option. Best Regards.
By default, a copied chart is pasted in a Word 2007 or later document or PowrPoint or later presentation as an object that is linked to the Excel chart. You can change the way that a copied chart is pasted by clicking thePaste Optionsbutton that is displayed when you paste...