The WEEKDAY Function Returns the day of the week as a number (1-7) of a date.By adding the CHOOSE Function you can return the name of the day of the week:=CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(B3),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")...
Method 3 – Converting a Date to the Day Number Using the WEEKDAY Function The WEEKDAY function returns the serial number of weekdays from a date value. Steps: Go to cell D5 and put the following formula. =WEEKDAY(B5,1) The second argument of the formula indicates the start of the ...
There are a variety offunctions to work with datesin Excel. The day of week function (WEEKDAY) is particularly useful for planning and scheduling, for example to determine the timeframe of a project and automatically remove weekends from the total. So, let's run through the examples one-at...
If you want to find the most recent Wednesday, or Saturday, or Monday, given a specific start date, you can use a formula that uses the MOD function. Formula =date-MOD(date-dow,7) Note: If the the date has the same day of week, date will be returned. ...
=WEEKDAY(C5,16) Example 2 – Using WEEKDAY Function with DATE Function If joining date is given in serial number, you have to use the DATE where the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions to return the year, month, and day of the given date respectively. Enter the following formula in D5 ...
Apart from serial numbers, the WEEKDAY function would also work with dates entered as: A result of some other function A date stored as text A date entered as text in the WEEKDAY function (in double quotes) WEEKDAY function returns a #NUM! error if the serial_num or return_type is...
1. The WEEKDAY function below returns 2. 12/22/2025 falls on a Monday.2. You can also use the TEXT function to display the day of the week.3. Or create a custom date format (dddd) to display the day of the week. Cell A1 still contains a date.NETWORKDAYS...
WEEKDAY function: counts the weekday in a date range. The formula WEEKDAY($B$3:$B$10) returns an array result: {6;6;3;1;3;7;1;6} The formula =(WEEKDAY($B$3:$B$10)=F3) returns an array result: {FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE} ...
Convert day of week to number If your goal is to get theday of the week number, then the WEEKDAY function in its basic form is all you need: =WEEKDAY(A1) If cell A1 contains a date like "18-Sep-2023" (Monday), the formula will return 2; or 3 if A1 contains "19-Sep-2023"...
WEEKDAY function: gets the day of week (1-7) from a given date. The formula WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(B3&":"&C3)) returns an array result as this: {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;3;4;5} SUMPRODUCT function: returns the result of multiplied and summed arrays. ...