For instance, the following dataset represents a Salesman and his Joining Date in a company. We will Autofill the Days of the Week based on the Date in Excel. How to Autofill Days of the Week Based on a Date in Excel: 5 Ways Method 1 – Using the Excel Format Cells Feature and the ...
By default, it starts on Sunday and the last day of the week is Saturday. The CHOOSE function selects the string from your given string array based on the input. In our work, the WEEKDAY function returns 5 for the first date, and the CHOOSE function converts it into ‘Thu’ which ...
DATE(year, month, day)returns a serial number of a date based on the year, month and day values that you specify. When it comes to working with dates in Excel, DATE is the most essential function to understand. The point is that other Excel date functions not always can recognize dates...
Actually, we can apply Kutools for Excel'sNumber of non-working days between two datesformula,Number of working days between two datesformula, andCount the number of specific weekdayformula to quickly count the numbers of all weekends, weekends, or specific day of week in a date range in E...
To find the day of the week from a date, you have basically three ways. The first method is to turn your date into the day of the week in a numerical form. In this method, Sunday is displayed as number 1, Monday is number 2, and so on. This is calculated with Excel's WEEK...
1. If you want to average values by weekend, you can use this formula =SUM((WEEKDAY(A2:A20, 2)>5)*(B2:B20))/SUM(1*(WEEKDAY(A2:A20, 2)>5)), and press Shift + Ctrl + Enter. 2. In the formulas, A2:A20 is the range of date cells, B2:B20 is the range of numbers you ...
The WEEKDAY and CHOOSE Functions Now, you can combine these functions and their formulas to display the weekday names for your dates. You simply insert the WEEKDAY formula as the first argument for the CHOOSE formula which picks the day of the week based on the date in that cell. ...
CHOOSE returns a value from a predefined list based on an index number. WEEKDAY calculates the index number corresponding to the day of the week for a given date. In other words, this formula maps the numeric output of the WEEKDAY function to the corresponding name that you've hardcoded in...
1. The WEEKDAY function below returns 2. 12/22/2025 falls on a Monday.2. You can also use the TEXT function to display the day of the week.3. Or create a custom date format (dddd) to display the day of the week. Cell A1 still contains a date.NETWORKDAYS...
For the weekend argument, I can either use a number to pick a preset weekend (like 1 for Saturday-Sunday or 7 for Friday-Saturday) or even use a custom text string like 0000011, where each digit represents a day of the week (starting with Monday). 1 marks it as a weekend, and 0 ...