VBA:一年內將工作日隨機化。 DimRandomizedYetAsBoolean'Updateby20150108FunctionRandomizeDates(pYearAsLong)DimiAsLongDimDaysInYearAsLongDimxIndexAsLongDimRndIndexAsLongDimTempAsDateDimWeekdays()AsVariantIfNotRandomizedYetThenRandomizedYet=TrueRandomizeEndIfDaysInYear=DateSerial(pYear+1,1,1)-DateSerial(pYear...
Weekdays(xIndex) = DateSerial(pYear, 1, i) End If Next ReDim Preserve Weekdays(1 To xIndex) For i = xIndex To 1 Step - 1 RndIndex = Int(i * Rnd + 1) Temp = Weekdays(RndIndex) Weekdays(RndIndex) = Weekdays(i) Weekdays(i) = Temp Next RandomizeDates = Application.WorksheetFunct...
Insert the first Weekly Date. Drag the Fill Handle to get the dates sequentially. Click on Auto Fill Options. A drop-down menu will appear. Select Fill Weekdays. Now only Weekly Dates are on this list, not weekends. Things to Remember Since the SEQUENCE function returns an array, it does...
Count the number of weekends/weekdays between two dates in Excel Convert date to weekday name or month name in ExcelBest Office Productivity Tools 🤖 Kutools AI Aide: Revolutionize data analysis based on: Intelligent Execution | Generate Code | Create Custom Formulas | Analyze Data and Generate...
Method 2 – Use the Fill Feature to Autofill Only Weekdays Based on a Date Steps: Select cell C5. Right-click on it. Select Format Cells. A dialog box Format Cells will pop out. Put ‘dddd’ in the Type box from the Custom Category under the Number tab and press OK. NOTE:‘dddd’...
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more Convert today's date to text format Calculate weekdays based on today's date Find the 1st day of month based on today date Excel NOW function NOW()function returns the current date and time. As well as TODAY, it does not have any ...
a "Long Date" format. Click on the cells containing the date, go to the Home tab, on number options, look for and click Long Date. It will automatically contain the weekday as well. If that is not the case, you could use some formulation too, but yo...
If you need to create a more complex date range, such as a range that skips weekends or only includes weekdays, you can use the Fill Series feature. To do this, enter the first two dates in the range, select those cells, and then click on the Fill Series button on the Home tab of...
Below is the formula that will highlight only those dates that occur on a Tuesday or a Thursday:=OR(WEEKDAY(B2,2)=2, WEEKDAY(B2,2)=4)The above OR formula checks whether the WEEKDAY formula for the date returns 2 or 4 (where 2 is for Tuesday and 4 is for Thursday). ...
The WEEKDAY function withreturn_typeset to 2 returns a day number from 1 (Mon) to 7 (Sun) for each date in the range A3:A20. The logical expression checks if the returned numbers are greater than 5 (for weekends) or less than 6 (for weekdays). The result of this operation is an...