3 easy methods on how to insert the last modified date and time in an excel cell. Download the workbook, modify data, and find new results.
Excel - Add Row– Adds a row with specified data below the last non-empty line of the Excel sheet. Excel - Write Value operation Follow the steps below to write data to the specified Excel cell: Add theExcel - Write Valueoperation to your keyword test. TestComplete will display theOperatio...
excelSheet.Cell(2, rowIndex).Value = valueB; excelSheet.Cell("C", rowIndex).Value = valueC; // Save the file to apply the changes excelFile.Save(); // Save the file with another name // excelFile.SaveAs("C:\\temp\\DataStorageExcel_new.xlsx"); ...
=LastModified() In this example, we have pasted theLastModified()function in cell A2. Now cell A2 should always display the last modified date. In this example, it displays 1/29/2016 as the date the workbook file was last modified.
' Auto Date Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In Target If Cell.Column = Range("B:B").Column Then If Cell.Value <> "" Then Cells(Cell.Row, "C").Value = Now Else Cells(Cell.Row, "C").Value = "" End If End If Next Cell ...
I simply load that calculated date value from the worksheet cell using a function I wrote to get values from an Excel workbook. Let's Begin Now, let's start by creating an Excel spreadsheet to track a software schedule. Note that I am assuming you've downloaded the sample code, which in...
The first element of the second dimension is the name of the user, the second element is the date and time when the user last opened the workbook, and the third element is a number indicating the type of list (1 indicates exclusive, and 2 indicates shared). Read-only Object. UseWhole...
1. Firstly, create a named range. Select the cell range you will create named range based on, and then type in the range name into theNamebox, and pressEnterkey. 2. ClickData>Data Validation>Data Validation. 3. In theData Validationdialog box, please configure as follows. ...
Range("B1").Select ' Target Cell Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False ' PasteSpecial value only Good luck Posted by Kevin on January 30, 2002 10:44 AM ***You can go to File Properties, and see the date and time when la...
2. Then in the New Formatting Rule dialog, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format under Select a Rule Type section, then enter this formula = B2<=TODAY() (B2 is the first cell in the selected dates) to the Format values where this formula is true textbox, you can ...