Method 2 – Cross-Tabulation of Cars Owned by Customer Age Here is a different dataset where there is a possibility of grouping in variables. Steps: Select the columns for cross-tabulation. Go to the Insert tab on your ribbon. Select PivotTables from the Tables group. A pivot table box wi...
Here, the Correlation Coefficient indicates how closely the data point aligns with theRegressionline. The given dataset’s correlation coefficient value of0.952indicates that the data points are closely aligned with the created trendline. However, theslope value of the regression line shows theprofit c...
Method 2 – Cross-Tabulation of Cars Owned by Customer Age Here is a different dataset where there is a possibility of grouping in variables. Steps: Select the columns for cross-tabulation. Go to theInserttab on your ribbon. SelectPivotTablesfrom theTablesgroup. A pivot table box will pop u...