这个功能是从XML中读取需要导入到Sharepoint List的列名字,然后把Excel中对应的数据导入到Sharepoint List中。基本原理,把Excel中数据临时放到Datatable中,然后查看文件夹是否存在,如果要导入的文件夹已经存在,则清空当前文件夹,放到最新数据。如果没有,遍历Datatable,一次存放到导入的list中,顺便保存一份到本地。 1....
这应该是SharePoint中缺失的功能。虽然在新建列表时,用户可以选择从电子表单自定义创建,但是编辑列表时,却没有从电子表单导入数据到已存在的列表中这个选项,可以在Spreadsheet中编辑。搜索了一下,百度没有完美的解决方案,最后在CodePlex网站上找到一篇文章(Import Excel data to SharePoint list),作者自己编写了一个Featu...
var list = from p in entities.SYS_User where (p.UserCode.Equals(username)) select new { p.UserCode, p.Zhi_gid }; DataTable dt = IQueryableExtensions.ToDataTable(list); //获取登录者ID temp.Chuang_jzh = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Zhi_gid"]); temp.UniqueId = item.UniqueId.ToS...
you can create a SharePoint list from data in an Excel workbook, but after the list has been created, there is no further connection between the workbook and the list. It is a one-time thing only. So, when you add new data to that Excel workbook, this data will not show in SharePo...
So, when you add new data to that Excel workbook, this data will not show in SharePoint. You can, however, show the SharePoint list in the datasheet grid and then manually copy and paste data from the Excel workbook to the SharePoint list, or instead of entering the data into Excel,...
First create a custom web service in SharePoint, which add the reference of 64 bit API to export the data to SharePoint's List. Choose the Compilation options of "Any CPU"alt 复制 1: 复制 2: using System; alt 复制 3: using System.Web; ...
sharepoint通过excel导入list时报错:导入数据时(方法'Post'作用于对象'IOWSPostData'时失败) 导入数据时(方法'Post'作用于对象'IOWSPostData'时失败) 解决方法: 1、使用EXCLE2007软件打开office安装目录下的2052文件夹下的EXPTOOWS.XLA文件 2、进入菜单栏中视图——宏——查看宏...
Hello all, I created a SharePoint list to manage assets, and I am trying to export the data i have from excel to SharePoint list, and it displays this error message, what steps have to been taken to accomplish this task.
2. While still selecting the data table, choose an Export option from the ribbon and select the ‘Export Excel table to SharePoint List’ option. 3. A pop-up appears as below where you will have to specify the URL of the site you are importing to, then provide your list name. Click...
types are exported, these data types are converted to data types that are compatible with SharePoint lists. For example, formulas that you create in Excel are converted to values in a SharePoint list. After the data is converted, you can create formulas for the columns on the SharePoint ...