可以使用PivotValueCell直接读取透视表“值”的内容 print(pt.PivotValueCell(1,1).Value) 这是读取第一个value单元格的内容,执行结果为: 1.0 筛选透视表 添加行标签筛选 pt_filter=pt.PivotFields("年龄").PivotFilters.Add2(Type=constants.xlCaptionIsLessThan,Value1="28") Valued=28,也OK。看起来对这个...
You can narrow down the data that is displayed based on specific criteria. Type of Filter in a Pivot Table In a pivot table, there are several types of filters you can use to filter data: 1. Report Filter The Report Filter is like a main filter in a pivot table. it is at the top...
之前也遇到过,“刷新”一下透视表 另外在“选项”功能区下单击“数据透视表→选项”命令,打开“数据透视表选项”对话框。在“数据”选项卡中,将“每个字段保留的项数”改为“无”,“确定”退出
Adding a filter is a great way of sorting the data very easily. In the above example, we showed how to sort, but now with the filter function, we can see the data for specific sub-sections with the click of a button. In the image below you can see how, by dragging the “channel...
data = i.range('A1').expand('table').options(pd.DataFrame).value # 读取指定工作表的数据并转换为DataFrame格式 result = data.sort_values(by='销售金额', ascending=False) # 按“销售金额”列做降序排列 i.range('A1').value = result #将排序结果写入当前工作表,替换原有数据 ...
PivotAxis PivotCache PivotCaches PivotCell PivotField PivotFields PivotFilter PivotFilters PivotFormula PivotFormulas PivotItem PivotItemList PivotItems PivotLayout 数据透视线 PivotLineCells PivotLines 数据透视表 PivotTableChangeList 数据透视表 PivotValueCell PlotArea Point Points ProtectedViewWindow ProtectedVi...
SourceType:=xlDatabase, _ SourceData:=SrcData) 'Create Pivot table from Pivot Cache Set pvt = pvtCache.CreatePivotTable( _ TableDestination:=StartPvt, _ TableName:="PivotTable1") End Sub vba 删除指定的透视表:Delete A Specific Pivot Table ...
The “pivot” part of a pivot table stems from the fact that you can rotate (or pivot) the data in the table to view it from a different perspective. To be clear, you’re not adding to, subtracting from, or otherwise changing your data when you make a pivot. Instead, you’re simpl...
wbs1.Columns.AutoFilter(1) wbs2_name = 'pivot' wb.Sheets.Add().Name = wbs2_name wbs2 = wb.Sheets(wbs2_name) pvt_name = 'pvt' pc = wb.PivotCaches().Create(SourceType=win32c.xlDatabase, SourceData=wbs1.UsedRange) pc.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination='{sheet}!R3C1'.format(sheet=wb...
You can filter based on any column from the original data set. How to refresh a pivot table in Excel As you add, change, or delete data in your spreadsheet, you'll want to refresh your pivot table to reflect those changes. The fastest way to do this is to right-click any cell in ...