Copy a formula by dragging the fill handle Follow these steps: Select the cell that has the formula you want to fill into adjacent cells. Rest your cursor in the lower-right corner so that it turns into a plus sign (+), like this: Drag the fill handle ...
Hover your mouse over the bottom right corner of the cell until your cursor turns into a plus sign (+). Click and hold the left mouse button, then drag down to the last cell you want to fill with the formula. Release the mouse button, and the formula will be filled in for all the...
Open and reply to a threaded comment. Ctrl+Shift+F2 Ctrl+Shift+F2 Open the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells. Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+) Open the Delete dialog box to delete selected cells. Ctrl+Minus sign (-) Enter the current time. Ctrl+Shift+Colon (:) Enter the current...
(not just a few cells)Hover your cursor over the gray edge of the sheet (where the row numbers or column letters are) until your cursor turns into a small black arrow. Then hold down left mouse button and drag to select multiple rows or columns. You will know you did it correctly ...
The drag and drop feature, which involves moving cells from one area to another, is probably my favorite. Unlike Excel which requires me to click a selected cell’s border after the cursor turns into a hand symbol, Calc requires me to simply drag and drop. ...
Hover your cursor over the bottom-right corner of any cell or cell range, and it'll automatically turn into the fill handle, which looks like a plus sign (+). By dragging the fill handle across or down a range of cells, you can perform a number of tasks: Copy a cell's data to...
Create a csv file using VBA or Macro Create a csv file with a list of files CSV file type blocked by File Block settings Cursor will not highlight the selected cell Custom table style not working as expected Customize Slicer Buttons DASH CHARACTER PROBLEM Data Labels - Value From Cells - ...
You will see blue lines indicating the page breaks. The range within the boundary is the print area. To adjust the print area, hover your mouse cursor over the page break line until it turns into a two-sided arrow. Click and drag the page break line to include or exclude cells in the...
Move the mouse cursor over the border of the comment box until the cursor turns into a plus sign with arrows. Then click to select the comment box. You'll see sizing handles appear on the sides and corners of the box. Keeping the mouse cursor over the border of the comment box, click...
The cursor becomes a plus icon. Move the cursor over the first shape you want to connect. You'll see dots at the points that represent connection points for that shape. Click on the connection point where you want the line to start and drag the line to the next shape until you see th...