Looking at the bubble chart, you can see that the x-axis displays the quantity values, the y-axis displays the cost values, and the size of each bubble represents the sales values. However, withoutlabels, you cannot discern which bubbles represent which products. To add labels to your chart...
1 可百度搜索下载包,下载后,解压并将Bin文件夹下的dll文件添加引用至程序。2 【C#】using Spire.Xls;using Spire.Xls.Charts;using System.Drawing; namespace CreateBubbleChart_XLS{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ...
TheBubble Chart Creatorcan easily create bubble charts from tables of values. It can also handle negative values. And, it can create charts that show three different dimensions of values. For example, if you had a table of data like the following: The Bubble Chart Creator can easily create ...
以下是在Excel中使用BubbleChart进行气泡图分析的步骤: 1.准备数据 在Excel中,首先需要准备包含三列数据的工作表。第一列是气泡的名称或标签,第二列是X轴的值,第三列是Y轴的值,第四列是气泡的大小数值。 2.选择数据 选中需要创建气泡图的数据范围,包括三列以及所有的数据行。 3.创建气泡图 点击Excel顶部的“...
Acey.ExcelX:通过创建单元格范围的对象(IRange range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:C6");)来创建数据源,再通过设置数据源 chart.SetSourceData(range, RowCol.Columns);,其中参数range指定数据源单元格范围,RowCol枚举类型(包含Rows和Columns)来控制系列是按行或列来生成。
namespace CreateBubbleChart_XLS { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //创建一个Excel工作簿,并获取第一张工作表 Workbook wb = new Workbook(); wb.Version = ExcelVersion.Version2013; Worksheet sheet = wb.Worksheets[0];
How to Create a Bubble Chart in Excel Creating a bubble chart in Excel is easier than you might think. First, select the data range you want to use for your chart. Next, click on the “Insert” tab and select “Other Charts.” From here, choose the “Bubble Chart” option. Excel wi...
usingSpire.Xls;usingSpire.Xls.Charts;usingSystem.Drawing;namespaceCreateBubbleChart_XLS {classProgram {staticvoidMain(string[] args) {//创建一个Excel工作簿,并获取第一张工作表Workbook wb =newWorkbook(); wb.Version=ExcelVersion.Version2013;