CreateNames 在指定区域中依据工作表中的文本标签创建名称。 Cut 将对象剪切到剪贴板,或者将其粘贴到指定的目的地。 DataSeries 在指定区域中创建一个数据系列。Variant 类型的值。 Delete 删除对象。 DialogBox 显示一个对话框,通过在 Microsoft Excel 4.0 宏表对话框定义表定义。返回所选的控件的数目或者返回False...
Returns true if all cells would be saved as an array formula, or false if all cells would not be saved as an array formula. Returns null if some cells would be saved as an array formula and some would not be. sort Represents the range sort of the current range. style Represents the ...
getSavedAsArray() Represents if all the cells would be saved as an array formula. Returns true if all cells would be saved as an array formula, or false if all cells would not be saved as an array formula. Returns null if some cells would be saved as an array formula and some would...
Dim oExcel As Object Dim oBook As Object Dim oSheet As Object 'Start a new workbook in Excel Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add 'Create an array with 3 columns and 100 rows Dim DataArray(1 To 100, 1 To 3) As Variant Dim r As Integer ...
MyArray(i - 1) = i Next i Cells.Clear Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 5)) = MyArray End Sub 4. 指定Column的宽度 Sub colDemo() ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = 20 End Sub 又如Range("C1").ColumnWidth = Range("A1").ColumnWidth 5. 清除Columns的内容 ...
reads entire tables rather than specific cells. However, you can still achieve the same goal by reading the table and then extracting the specific cell value you need. Here's how you can do it:
An array is a group of variables. In Excel VBA, you can refer to a specific variable (element) of an array by using the array name and the index number.
Worksheets(1).Cells(1,1).Value =24Worksheets(1).Cells.Item(1,2).Value =42 下例设置单元格 A2 的公式。 VB ActiveSheet.Cells(2,1).Formula ="=Sum(B1:B5)" 虽然也可使用Range("A1")返回单元格 A1,但Cells属性有时候更方便,因为可将变量用于行或列。 下例在 Sheet1 上创建列和行标题。 请注...
Lookup and reference: Returns the relative position of an item in an array or range of cells. XNPV function Financial: Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic XOR function Logical: Returns a logical exclusive OR of all arguments YEAR fun...
An array formula in Excel is a special type of formula that allows you to perform calculations on multiple values within a range of cells, rather than just a single value. It's particularly useful when you need to perform calculations involving multiple cells and return an array of results, ...