TheCOUNTIFfunction will count how many times the selected text value exists in the selected cell range. Hit Enter. Read More:COUNTIF Excel Example (22 Examples) Example 2 – COUNTIF Formula for Numbers We’ll get the exact match of the given numbers. Insert the following formula in the ce...
If you want to count cells that are greater than or less than a given number, you also can use the COUNTIF function. Supposing there is a range (B2:D5) of numbers, you want to count the number of cells that are greater than 65, please using below formula:=COUNTIF(B2:D5,">65"...
countNum = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("B5:B10"), ">" & Num) 'output Range("E7") = countNum End Sub Method 4 – COUNTIF Function with a Range of Object in Excel Steps: OpenVisual Basic Editorfrom theDevelopertab andInsertaModulein the code window. In the code window, copy the ...
In fact, we discussed the COUNTIF function that countstext valuesmatching a specified criterion exactly a moment ago. Let me remind you that formula for cells containing an exact string of text:=COUNTIF(C2:C15,"Roger Federer"). So, you enter: A range as thefirst parameter; A comma as t...
the COUNTIFS function. With the COUNTIFS function, you can specify an upper limit of the numbers and a lower limit to create a range of numbers to count. In the following example, we have a list of names with age. Now we need to count the people of two ages i.e., two numbers. ...
bottom, top: The lowest and highest numbers of the random numbers range you want to get.For example, if you want to generate random integers between 100 and 200, please apply the below formula into a blank cell, and then drag and copy the formula to other cells you want, see screenshot...
Numbers (e.g. 90) and words (e.g. "Water") can be specified.How to use the =COUNTIF function:Select a cell Type =COUNTIF Double click the COUNTIF command Select a range Type , Select a cell (the criteria, the value that you want to count) Hit enter...
To count numbers where the nth digit is a given number in Excel, use the SUMPRODUCT function or the RIGHT, MID, and COUNTIF functions.
Using the formula =COUNTIF(C5:C12,C5), we can see that the function works well for numbers, too. The results we get are shown below: It shows that 3 students scored 45 in Economics. Example 3 Let’s see how wildcards can be used with COUNTIF function. Suppose we employ several proj...