3) SumIF 公式 = SUMIF (A2:A7,“需要的物品”, D2:D7)4) COUNTIF 公式:COUNTIF(D2:D7,...
5. AVERAGEIF:单条件求平均值 语法:=AVERAGEIF(条件范围, 条件, 求平均范围) 场景:计算某个条件的平均值,比如某产品的平均销售额。 示例:=AVERAGEIF(A:A, "产品A", B:B) 小贴士: SUMIF和COUNTIF适合单条件场景,SUMIFS和COUNTIFS适合多条件场景。 5个文本处理公式,轻松搞定数据清洗! 1. LEFT:提取左侧字符...
Using SUM, IF, and COUNTIF Functions in Excel The best way you can count the total number of unique values in a given dataset is by using the SUM, IF, andCOUNTIFfunctions as a combination. With this formula, you can define a range within a sheet and easily find the values that are ...
Both functions are used to check if a certain formula evaluates to an error, and if it does, the MS Excel functions return a specified value instead. IFERROR(value, value_if_error)- checks if the formula or expression evaluates to an error. If it does, the formula returns the value sup...
Range("B13") = WorksheetFunction.SumIf(iRng, ">1") 'release the range object Set iRng = Nothing End Sub Your code is now ready to run. Runthe code, and you will get the total count with a summation value. 5. COUNTIF Formula Method in Excel ...
0.7 here is any one between 0.5 and 1 to round the result to next integer, you may use ROUNDUP as well. To find the previous value for the counter we check for the current cell OFFSET(F4,-1,0) If it's not zero we take that value, if zero we find the latest non-zero value in...
COUNTIF(range,"*") Or, use theSUMPRODUCT functionin combination withISTEXT: SUMPRODUCT(--(ISTEX(range))) In the second formula, the ISTEXT function evaluates each cell in the specified range and returns an array of TRUE (text) and FALSE (not text) values; the double unary operator (--...
57.COUNTIF:计算区域中满足给定条件的单元格的个数 格式:=countif(区域,条件) 区域:要计算其中非空单元格数目的区域 条件:以数字、表达式或文本形式定义的条件 58.COUNTIFS:计算多个区域中满足给定条件的单元格的个数 格式:=countifs(区域1,条件1,区域2,条件2,。。。) ...
{=SUM(IF(LEN(A2:A11000)>0,1/COUNTIF(A2:A11000,A2:A11000)))} SUMPRODUCT的計算速度通常比同等陣列公式還快。 這個公式需花費 10.0 秒,比前者快了 13.8/10.0=1.38 倍,雖然好一點,但還不夠令人滿意。 VB複製 =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A11000<>"")/COUNTIF(A2:A11000,A2:A11000&"")) ...
count(values) 计算区域中包含数字的单元格数。 countA(values) 计算区域中不为空的单元格数。 countBlank(range) 计算指定单元格区域中空单元格的数目。 countIf(range, criteria) 计算区域中满足给定条件的单元格数。 countIfs(values) 计算由一组给定条件或条件指定的单元格数。 coupDayBs(settlement, maturity, fr...