Debug.PrintTypeName(flnm);查看一下数据类型 Set wb=Workbooks.Open(fn)For Each x In wb.Sheets x.Name=Split(flnm,".")(0)x.UsedRange.Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(after:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count)).Name=Split(flnm,".")(0)ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets...
In this tutorial, I’ll show you some simple VBA code that you can use to count the total number of sheets in an Excel workbook. This video cannot be played because of a technical error.(Error Code: 102006) This Tutorial Covers: Count All Sheets in the Workbook VBA Code to Show Shee...
01.打开VBA的编辑器,【开发工具】【Visual Basic】02.进入VB编辑器,双击选择This workbook 对象下,复...
Set ws = wb.Sheets.Add(After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count))7、Saveas:另存为 'SaveAs方法,屏蔽复盖文件提示Application.DisplayAlerts = Falsewb.SaveAs fileName Application.DisplayAlerts = True 8、Sheets:返回工作簿中的所有工作表的集合;循环工作簿中所有工作表的方法 For Each ws In wb.Sheets ...
方式一:利用索引号引用工作簿,Workbook.Item(3),这里的Item可以省略,即Workbook(3) 方式二:利用工作簿名称引用 ,Workbook("Book1")或Workbook("Book1.xls"),如果本地文件显示拓展名(且文件已经保存),则文件名必须带拓展名,否则会报错。 2、Workbook名片信息 ...
Count Sheets from the Active Workbook Following is the code that you need to use to count the sheet from the active workbook. ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count In this code, first, you have the referred to the active workbook using the “ThisWorkbook” and refer to all the sheet, in the end, use...
mycount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:B50"), ">1000") MsgBox "A1:B50中大于1000的单元格个数为:" & mycount End Sub 5、给Excel梳妆打扮 Excel工作表界面相关命令 Excel界面 6、Application的常用属性 三、Workbook对象 Workbook工作簿 ...
For Each shet In Sheets: If shet.Name <> "合并" Then i = st.Range("A" & Rows.Count)...
6、Sheets.Add:插入工作表,并放在最后 Set ws = wb.Sheets.Add(After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count)) 7、Saveas:另存为 'SaveAs方法,屏蔽复盖文件提示 Application.DisplayAlerts = False wb.SaveAs fileName Application.DisplayAlerts = True 8、Sheets:返回工作簿中的所有工作表的集合;循环工作簿中所有工作...
使用Workbooks (index) (其中 index 是工作簿名称或索引号)返回单个 Workbook 对象。 索引号指示在其中打开或创建工作簿的顺序。 Workbooks(1) 是创建的第一个工作簿,而 Workbooks(Workbooks.Count)Workbooks 是最后一个。 激活某工作簿并不更改其索引号。 所有工作簿均包括在索引计数中,即便是隐藏工作簿也是如此。