Count the number of specific weekdays/weekends between two dates with formula Supposing, I have the following two dates, and I need to count how many Sundays between them. Select a blank cell, enter below formula, and press theEnterkey. And now you will get the number of Sundays between ...
Start_date, end_date: the two dates that you want to count a specific weekday between. Week_day: a number that indicates the weekday that you want to count the number between two dates. Week_day numberWeekday Number Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6...
Finally, to count the number of weekends between two dates, click on the empty cell and enter the formula as =SUMPRODUCT(--(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(A2&":"&B2)),2)>5)) and click enter. Empty cell > Formula > Enter. This is how you can count the number of days, weekdays, and...
例如,您需要在工作計劃的日期範圍內找出工作日(不包括週末)。 與手動計算日曆中的周數相比,Excel的Kutools“兩個日期之間的工作天數公式可以幫助您快速計算兩個日期之間的工作日數。Excel的Kutools還提供了兩個日期之間的非工作天數計算兩個日期之間的周末數量的公式,以及計算特定工作日的數量星期一說,計算Excel中兩個...
例如,您需要找出工作日程的日期范围内的工作日(周末除外)。 与手动计算日历中的周数相比,Kutools for Excel“两个日期之间的工作天数公式可以帮助您快速计算两个日期之间的工作日数。Kutools for Excel还提供了两个日期之间的非工作天数计算两个日期之间的周末数量的公式,计算特定工作日的数量星期一说,计算Excel中两个...
NETWORKDAYS.INTL - count weekdays between 2 dates with custom weekends How to highlight workdays in Excel Excel WORKDAY function The Excel WORKDAY function returns a date that is a given number of working days ahead of or prior to the start date. It excludes weekends as well as any holiday...
WORKDAY.INTL- returns a date N weekdays from the start date with custom weekends NETWORKDAYS- returns the number of workdays between two dates NETWORKDAYS.INTL- returns the number of workdays between two dates with custom weekends Excel DATE function ...
The weekdays are displayed. To calculate the total number of a specific weekday (e.g., Sunday), select the cell where you want the result and enter the following formula: =COUNTIF(D5:D13,D15) In this formula: D5:D13 represents the cell range. D15 is the criteria (Sunday in this...
-DateDiff Function: The DateDiff function in Excel VBA can be used to get the number of days, weeks, months or years between two dates. -Weekdays: We will look at a program in Excel VBA that calculates the number of weekdays between two dates. ...
Weekdays(i) = Temp Next RandomizeDates = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Weekdays) End Function 3.保存代码并关闭窗口以返回工作表,然后键入此公式= RandomizeDates(2014) 进入一个单元格,然后按Enter键并将填充手柄拖到所需的范围。 看截图: