All the cells with the same background color will get the same number, and if there is no background color, the formula will return 0. Step 3 – Apply the COUNTIFS Function Select the cell where you want to see the count of colored cells. Apply the formula:=COUNTIFS($E5:$E$16,Get...
COUNTIF functiontakes$D$5:$D$14and the functionCOLOREDCELLas arguments. It returns the count of cells associated with each color. PressENTERto see the total number ofredcells. Drag thefill handleto apply the formula to the rest of the cells. You will see thetotal numberof colored cells f...
Create a Named Range using GET.CELL function Use the Named Range to get color code in a column Using the Color Number to Count the number of Colored Cells (by color)Let’s deep dive and see what to do in each of the three mentioned steps.Creating a Named Range...
Function CountColoredCells(eval_range As Range) As Long Dim cell As Range Dim colored_count As Long colored_count = 0 For Each cell In eval_range If cell.Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone Then colored_count = colored_count + 1 End If Next cell CountColoredCells = colored_count End Function...
Sum and count by one or by all colors Count and sum cells by one color or by all colors used in your worksheet. Calculate cells by font color Find out the number of cells with the same font color or sum their values. Compute cells colored by conditional formatting Whether your cells are...
To count colored cells in Microsoft Excel, you may use the Find and Select tool or the Excel Filter and SUBTOTAL() function.
=ProcessByFontColor($B$2:$E$12,G2,"COUNT") Note: In this formula,G2is the reference cell with the specific font color you want to match;$B$2:$E$12is the range where you want to count the number of cells of G2's color. ...
5. To count the number of other font colors, you just need to repeat the above step by step. COUNTSHADES function: Counting numbers of cells which have been filled color To get the number of all fill colored cells, theCOUNTSHADESfunction ofSuper Functionsalso can help you. ...