要计算两个日期时间之间的天数,小时数和分钟数之间的差异,通常,您需要应用一个公式才能得出结果,在这种情况下,您可能难以记住很多公式来进行计算, Kutools for Excel和 公式助手 为我们收集了很多常用公式 计算日期之间的天,小时和分钟 选项,您可以快速获得结果,而无需记住任何公式。
4.在这两个单元格旁边的单元格中,例如C13,输入此公式=NETWORKDAYS(A13,B13)-1-MOD(A13,1)+MOD(B13,1),然后按输入键,您将获得具有自定义格式的结果,选择结果单元格,然后单击首页标签,然后转到数字格式列表以选择常规以将其格式化为正确的格式。 看截图: 使用Kutools AI解锁Excel魔法 智能执行...
Calculate Calculate Days Hours Minutes Seconds Between Two DatesSometimes, we may want to get the days, hours, minutes, and seconds between two datetimes, this tutorial introduces the formula to solve this job. Calculate Days Remaining Between Two DatesHere, this tutorial provides a formula to qu...
計算淨工作時間,不包括週末和節假日 1.與上述相同,選擇兩個單元格並將其格式化為自定義格式m / d / yyyy h:mm,然後輸入開始日期時間和結束日期時間。 2.選擇一個空白單元格,然後在其中輸入假日日期,這裡我有3個假日,並分別在H1:H3中鍵入。 看截圖: 3.選擇一個空白單元格,它將放置計數...
A. Count the number of weekends (Saturday and Sunday) between two dates in Excel In the Formulas Helper dialog, please do as follows: (1) SelectStatisticalfrom theFormula Typedrop-down list; (2) Click to selectNumber of non-working days between two datesin theChoose a formulalist box; ...
Count days between two dates Calculate weeks between the dates Calculate months between two dates Compute years between two dates Date difference is days, months and years Excel WEEKNUM function WEEKNUM(serial_number, [return_type])- returns the week number of a specific date as an integer from...
Formula 3. Count hours, minutes or seconds between two times To get the time difference in a single time unit (hours ,minutes or seconds), you can perform the following calculations. Calculate hours between two times: To present the difference between two times as adecimal number, use this ...
Use the YEAR and MONTH method when you want to know how many months are covered in between two dates (even when the duration between the start and the end date is only a few days)Below is how each formula covered in this tutorial will count the number of months between two dates:Hope...
Step 1:If you want to calculate the duration (in years) between two dates, you can simply subtract one date from the other, as mentioned in the screenshot; Step 2:Copy formula =YEAR(B2)-YEAR(A2) and paste in D2 to calculate the total years. (‘YEAR’ is an additional word with ...
What if you don’t work traditional consecutive, two-day weekends? What if your “weekends” are more exotic, like Monday and Thursday? What if you don’t want to count holidays? Let’s witness an amazing trick that will allow you to count the number of days between two dates and skip...