CountDistinctValues(rng As Range) As Integer Application.Volatile Dim var As Variant Dim distinctValues As New Collection On Error Resume Next For Each var In rng If Not (IsEmpty(var)) Then distinctValues.Add var, CStr(var) End If Next var CountDistinctValu...
Step 5:Now you can use the ROW(range) function to count the distinct values. And that's how you can count the distinct values using the Filter option. How to Count Distinct Values Using Formulas Excel provides powerful formulas that can help you count distinct values in both text and numer...
在“Values”区域中,选择“Order ID”并将其拖动到值区域。确保“Order ID”在值区域中的聚合函数为“计数”(Count)。在“Order ID”旁边的下拉菜单中,选择“值字段设置”。在“值字段设置”对话框中,选择“去重”选项。完成上述步骤后,透视表将计算每个产品的不重复订单数。Product Count of...
In simple terms, it can be said that unique data values are present only once throughout the given dataset. But when we call a data set to be distinct data, we mean that it contains values that might be repeated. What is Distinct vs. Unique COUNT in Excel? The count feature is used ...
Example #2–Count Unique Excel Values by Using the SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIF Functions The following image shows the dataset of example #1. Count the distinct values of column A with the help of the SUMPRODUCT and the COUNTIF functions of Excel. ...
Power Pivot中只需要写一个度量值就可以了,在Power Pivot中由专门的分重复计数的DAX函数DISTINCTCOUNT,也可以通过COUNTROWS+VALUES组合函数来计算非重复计数。 客户数:=DISTINCTCOUNT([客户名称]) 客户数1:=countrows(VALUES('表1'[客户名称])) 这个度量值的结果,可以通过透视表来检验: ...
Let’s now see how to find unique and distinct values in a data set below. Count UNIQUE values in Excel To count unique values in our data set, we use a combination of the IF, SUM and COUNTIF functions. Applying the formula is very easy, and you will be able to master it in no...
There are 4 ways of counting unique values in excel; Using an array formula (SUM & COUNTIF) {=SUM(1/COUNTIF(C2:C23,C2:C23))} =16 Using SUMPRODUCT (SUMPRODUCT & COUNTIF) =SUMPRODUCT((1/COUNTIF(C2:C23,C2:C23)))=16 Using a combination of SUM, IF, FREQUENCY & MATCH ...
Basically it is counting distinct values based on the date =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF([@[Offer_Date]]=[Offer_Date], COUNTIF([Offer_Account], "<"&[Offer_Account]), ""), (COUNTIF([Offer_Account], "<"&[Offer_Account])))>0)) Any help would be greatly app...