Use a special Excel formula to count all non-blank cells The third way to calculate the number of non-empty cells is to use an Excel formula. Though you will not see where the cells are, this option helps you choose what kinds of filled cells you want to count. If you need to count...
When there are some cells without data filled in a range in Excel, and you just want to know how many nonblank cells or blank cells are in this range, how can you do? Now, I can introduce two ways for you to count blank cells or nonblank cells in a range in Excel. ...
In Excel, the*is used to find all the cells that are not empty. We will use it to count all nonblank cells. Press theCtrl + Fkeys to open theFind and Replacewindow. Type*in the Find what field under theFindtab. Now, clickFind All. After that, Excel will show you the total number...
or * character in the formula. For example,=COUNTIF(D2:D9,"*~?*")will count all cells containing the question mark in the range D2:D9. Excel COUNTIF for blank and non-blank cells These formula examples demonstrate how you can use the COUNTIF function in Excel to count the number ...
1.1 Counting Non-Blank Cells If Cell Value is Greater Than Another Cell Steps: Select cellD15to count the cells with a value greater than 80. In theFormula Bar,enter theCOUNTIFfunction: =COUNTIF(B6:E13, ">80") WhereB6:E13is the cell reference and >80 is the criterion, the cell’s...
Count Rows with NumbersThe COUNT function needs to be used to count the rows with the numbers.The moment you hit enter, it returns 3 in the result. So as you can see, we have 5 blank cells and 5 non-blank rows. But in the non-blank rows (with value), we have only three cells...
=COUNTIF(Range,“*”) Try our AI Formula Generator COUNTBLANK Function to Count All Blank Cells TheCOUNTBLANK functioncounts all cells that are blank. =COUNTBLANK(Range) Please keep in mind that if the cell has a value of 0, it will pick it up as non-blank. ...
1. Select the range of cells that you want to select only data cells, and then, clickKutools>Select>Select Nonblank Cells, see screenshot: 2. And then, all data cells will be selected at once, and a dialog box will pop out to remind you how many non blank cells are selected, see...
Step-by-step guide on utilizing COUNTIF function in Excel for non-blank cells Step 4: Press enter to display the number of cells with a date value. Excel tutorial: Counting non-empty cells with COUNTIF function #2: How To Use Countif Not Blank Function For Text Values Step 1: Enter ...
Let’s retake the same example. You can see in the above snapshot that we have six non-empty cells in total. However, when we use all the formulas to count the non-blank cells, we have got seven. =COUNTA(A1:A10) =COUNTIF(A1:A10,"<>") ...