CORREL(array1, array2)返回单元格区域 array1 和 array2 之间的相关系数。使用相关系数可以确定两种属...
CORREL得到的是单元格区域 array1 和 array2 之间的相关系数。使用相关系数可以确定两种属性之间的关系。例如,可以检测某地的平均温度和空调使用情况之间的关系。语法 CORREL(array1,array2)
=CORREL(A2:A10,B2:B10)^2 得到R2 。
只有 Y = kX+b 形式的方程 其决定系数R2 才等于 R×R 注意待拟合的方程是有截距的 ...
CorrETest(R1, R2, ρ, tails) CorrETest(r, n, ρ, tails) where r = CORREL(R1, R2) and n = CountPairs(R1,R2) CorrelETest(r, n, ρ, lab, α, tails) array function which returns the test statistic p-value and lower and upper bounds of 1–α confidence interval of the populatio...
RSQ(R1, R2) = the coefficient of determination between the data in R1 and R2; this is equivalent to the formula =CORREL(R1, R2) ^ 2. No distinction needs to be made between the population and sample correlation coefficients in CORREL since they have the same values. ...
running from cells 2 to 21 in each. Use the Correl or Pearson function to find the correlation coefficient in Excel. In a blank cell, either type "=Correl([array 1], [array 2])" or "=Pearson([array 1], [array 2])" to find the correlation coefficient, with the first column of ...
第三个功能是Correl功能式(R2值),主要测试两组数据的相关性,数据越大则表示相关程度越好(即Correlation)。下面五个图说明了其中五中典型情况,均为同一人对同一测试指标在不同条件下(如时间,温度等)做出的两组数据,可大概说明它们的使用情况。 10 8 6 4 S1vsS2:F=1,T=1,R=-1 30 25 20 15 S1vsS3:F...