使用Vlookup函數將全州名稱轉換為縮寫 沒有直接的方法可以讓您在Excel中完成此工作,但是,您可以首先列出所有狀態名稱及其相對縮寫,然後應用Vlookup函數獲取任何縮寫。 首先,請複制左側狀態名稱及其縮寫並將其粘貼到您要使用的工作表中。 假設我將它們粘貼到單元格A1:B51中,並將數據范圍粘貼到D1:E11中,請參見屏幕截圖...
Insert File Name Insert Path Latitute / Longitude Functions Replace Negative Values Reverse List Range Convert State Name to Abbreviation Create Dynamic Hyperlinks Custom Sort List with Formula Data Validation - Custom Formulas Dynamic Sheet Reference (INDIRECT) ...
– The UPPER function converts the abbreviation to uppercase. You can apply this method in all Excel versions. Method 3 – Applying a Custom Function Using VBA Go to the Developer tab >> select Visual Basic. Select Insert >> Module. If you are using VBA for the first time, add the ...
How can I convert a month name into a number? If you have a series of entries that show the months as names, you might prefer to display them as numbers. In this case, there's a formula you can use to convert the names to numbers which uses two functions. These are the MONTH func...
Convert State Name to Abbreviation Dynamische Hyperlinks in Excel erstellen Custom Sort List with Formula Benutzerdefinierte Formeln zur Datenüberprüfung Dynamic Sheet Reference (INDIRECT) Reference Cell in Another Sheet or Workbook Get Cell Value by Address Arbeitsblattnamen aus Formel ermit...
In this case, we know Student number is composed of state and applicant number and always begins with the abbreviation of state in the U.S.A. (AL: Alabama, CA: California, MA: Massachusetts...) 1. Open your table in WPS Spreadsheet. ...
Evaluate: Converts an Excel name into an actual reference or value. This method allows you to create a reference as a string, and then convert it as needed into an actual object reference, or to evaluate the value of the expression. The following example allows you to enter a cell address...
=COUNTA(UNIQUE(FILTER(DisplayName,(Gender=”female”)*(ExhibitionRole=”Artist”)*(ConstituentType=”Individual”))) That dilated expression needs to be explained, of course. Here we’ve rolled out the powerful dynamic-array FILTER function, enwrapped both by UNIQUE and the old favorite COUNTA...
CASE statement that is looping through a very large data set (>75,000 rows) and if the state says "New South Wales" i need it changed to NSW. I need this abbreviation for all Australian states. My code works but it is taking FOREVER to loop through all the data. Can i convert......
C# Looking for alternative to datagridview to display user controls in succession. C# Loop Through Menu Strip, Change Dropdown Item Properties C# MDI application: how to scale child windows when main window is re-sized? c# name issue (Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'System.Windows...