通常,當使用公式= cell * 24或cell * 1440將時間轉換為十進制小時或分鐘時,結果將為十進制數。 但是有時候,您只想將時間轉換為整數小時或分鐘,如下圖所示,如何在Excel中解決呢? 使用公式將時間轉換為整數小時或分鐘 使用Kutools for Excel將時間轉換為整數小時或分鐘 使用公式將時間轉換為整數小時或分鐘 使用INT...
Method 1 – Using TEXT Function to Convert Number to Hours and Minutes in Excel Copy the following formula into cell D5: =TEXT(C5/24,"[h] ""hours,"" m ""minutes""") Formula Breakdown TEXT(C5/24,”[h] “”hours,”” m “”minutes”””) → the TEXT function put in a format...
在本教程中,我將介紹在Excel中將時間轉換為文本字符串或數字字符串或十進制小時數,分鐘數和秒數的方法。 將時間轉換為文本字符串 將時間轉換為數字字符串 將時間轉換為小時/分鐘/秒將時間轉換為文本字符串 這是一個可以將時間轉換為文字字串的公式。
在本教程中,我将介绍在Excel中将时间转换为文本字符串或数字字符串或十进制小时数,分钟数和秒数的方法。 将时间转换为文本字符串 将时间转换为数字字符串 将时间转换为小时/分钟/秒 将时间转换为文本字符串 这是一个可以将时间转换为文本字符串的公式。
You already know the fastest way to convert a time value to a number of hours in Excel - multiplying by 24, i.e. by the number of hours in one day: =A2*24 Where A2 is the time value. To get the number ofcompete hours, embed the above formula in theINT functionthat will get ri...
1.1 使用 CONVERT 功能在各种单位测量之间进行转换 Excel 提供了一个内置函数“插入评论”来帮助您轻松地向 Excel 中的单元格添加注释。 如下图所示,要将 B3:B10 范围内列出的英寸分别转换为英尺、厘米和毫米,您可以应用 CONVERT 函数来完成。句法 CONVERT(number, from_unit, to_unit) ...
This converts the value from hours to minutes. Select cell E6 and paste the formula below: =HOUR(B6)*3600+MINUTE(B6)*60+SECOND(B6) Press Enter. We have converted the Time into Numbers of Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. Method 5 – Use of CONVERT Function to Convert Time to Number ...
Excel stores time as a decimal value. 1:00 AM which is one hour in a day equals 0.042, and 11:00 PM equals 0.958. An hour in a day of 24 hours and has a value of 1/24. To convert a time into an hour number, you can multiply it by 24....
I am trying to subtract cells that contain a date and time from another cell that contain a date and time into hours and then convert that to a decimal. E.g. 18/10/2018 4:53:50 AM minus 17/10/2018 5:12:30 PM equals (hours as a decimal number). Anyone any id...
The tutorial demonstrates different ways to convert time to decimal in Excel. You will find a variety of formulas to change time to hours, minutes or seconds as well as convert text to time and vice versa.