VBA代码:将逗号分隔的文本字符串转换为行或列表 SubRedistributeCommaDelimitedData()'Updateby ExtendofficeDimxArr()AsStringDimxAddressAsStringDimRgAsRangeDimRg1AsRangeOnErrorResumeNextxAddress=Application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.AddressSetRg=Application.InputBox("please select the data range:","Kutools fo...
Split delimited text into rows in Excel. Follow this step-by-step guide to transform data from a single cell into multiple rows efficiently.
Method 1 – Using the Text to Columns Feature to Split a Cell into Two Rows in Excel Steps: Select the cell that you want to split. We selected cellC5. Open theDatatab. FromData Tools, select theText to Columnsoption. A dialogboxnamedConvert Text to Columns Wizardwill pop up. Select ...
A spacein quotation marks indicates that the cell will be split by a space. You can change the reference cell and the delimiter according to your needs. Split cells in Excel into multiple rows As shown in the screenshot below, there is a list of order details in the range A2:A4, and...
Navigate to the Data tab. Click on Data Tools. Select Text to Columns. The Convert Text to Columns Wizard will appear. Choose the option that best describes your data (e.g., delimited or fixed width). Click Next. If you select Delimited pick the delimiters (e.g., comma, space). Prev...
First, a supplied range of cells is transformed into atwo-dimensional array. Please notice the comma-delimited columns and semicolon-separated rows: {"Apple","Banana","Cherry";1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9} Then, the TOROW function reads the array from left to right and converts it into a ...
The cell values of a range are set with an array of arrays. New rows are created in a table by calling the add method of the table's row collection. You can add multiple rows in a single call of add by including multiple cell value arrays in the parent array that is passed as the...
In theSave Asdialog box, selectCSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (*.csv)from theSave as typedrop down. Click theSavebutton. Done! Convert to CSV UTF-8 in Excel 2013 - 2007 As older Excel versions do not support the UTF-8 encoding, you'll need to save your document in the Unicode Text...
To retrieve data in the user's display locale, use TableColumn.valuesAsJsonLocal. TypeScript Копіювати valuesAsJson: CellValue[][]; Property Value Excel.CellValue[][] Remarks [ API set: ExcelApi 1.16 ]valuesAsJsonLocal ...
TableColumn.valuesAsJsonsupports all data types which can be in a cell. Examples include formatted number values and web images, in addition to the standard boolean, number, and string values. Data returned from this API always aligns with the en-US locale. To retrieve data in the user's ...