Method 1 – Convert Column Number to Letter in Excel Consider the following dataset which we will be using as our example to convert column number to letter by applying the formula. Select a Cell: Choose the cell where you want the result to appear. Formula: The generic formula to ...
So there’s no function that converts the excel column number to column letter directly. But we can combine SUBSTITUTE function with ADDRESS function to get the column letter using column index. Generic Formula =SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,column_number,4),1,””) ...
Sub Excel_Column_Letter_to_Number_Converter() 'Convert a specific Column Letter into it's corresponding Numeric Reference Dim ColumnNumber As Long Dim ColumnLetter As String 'Call the Column Letter ColumnLetter = "XFD" 'Convert To the Column Number ColumnNumber = Range(ColumnLetter & 1).Column...
Using an Excel formula to convert a column number to column letterOf course, if you’re in Excel and need to get the column letter based on a number, you can always use the ADDRESS function. The function is pretty straight forward; it requires a row and column number, and in our case...
There are several functions in Microsoft Excel that allow you to convert a column number to a column letter. This is super useful for the users who are aware of the column number and are mapping it to a column letter. These solutions can lower the hassle of searching the exact column from...
我们看一下这个工具的应用界面,如下图:在B列中我们利用自定义函数NZNumToLetter(),输出的结果:二根据字母给出列的数值 我们看一下这个工具的应用界面,如下图:点击后代码会运行,程序中我给出的是”AG”列,要求求出这列的列数值,结果如下:Ø代码见程序文件:VBA_ConvertColumnNumberToLetter.xlsm ...
To convert a column number to letter we will use theADDRESSand theSUBSTITUTEFunctions. =SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(3,B3,4),"3","") The formula above returns the column letter in the position of the number in the referenced cell. Let’s walk through the above formula. ...
在B列中我们利用自定义函数NZNumToLetter(),输出的结果: 二 根据字母给出列的数值 我们看一下这个工具的应用界面,如下图: 点击后代码会运行,程序中我给出的是”AG”列,要求求出这列的列数值,结果如下: 代码见程序文件:VBA_ConvertColumnNumberToLetter.xlsm...
How to return column number in Excel To convert a column letter to column number in Excel, you can use this generic formula: COLUMN(INDIRECT(letter&"1")) For example, to get the number of column F, the formula is: =COLUMN(INDIRECT("F"&"1")) ...