sqls = "connect database" cnn.Open "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=dl580;User Id=sxjkuser;Password=sxjkpasswd;" OraOpen = True '成功执行后,数据库即被打开 If OraOpen Then lineno = [D65536].End(xlUp).Row Else lineno = 0 '行数 Application.Calculation = xlManual For i = 3 To lineno ...
点击菜单栏tools--ODBC Importer..., Users/System DSN 一栏选Excel Files User Name Password 自己填 next Connect --选中要导入的标准格式的excel 点击... 确定按钮 table页 data from odbc /data to oracle 选择data to oracle owener 自己选用户 table 选择对应要导入的表名... last import confirm 这样...
ConnStr = "Driver={Oracle in instantclient_12_2};Password="& OraPwd & ";User ID=" & OraUsr & ";DataSource=" & OraID & ";Persist Security Info=True" ConnDB.CursorLocation = adUseServer ConnDB.Open ConnStr OraOpen = True MsgBox "Connect to the oracle database Successful!",vbInformati...
data.Cells(Row, X).Value= rs.Fields(X -1).NameNextDoWhileNotrs.EOF Row= Row +1ForFindex =0Tors.Fields.Count -1data.Cells(Row, Findex+1).Value =rs.Fields(Findex).ValueNextFindex rs.MoveNextLoopEnd Sub
MsgBox "Connect to the oracle database fail ,please check!", vbCritical, "Connect fail!" End Function Public Sub ConOra() On Error GoTo ErrMsg: Dim ConnDB As ADODB.Connection Set ConnDB = New ADODB.Connection Dim ConnStr As String
地址:https://edelivery.oracle.com/osdc/faces/SearchSoftware 在搜索框中输入oracle database client,然后选择系统平台为Windows 64,选定oracle database client ,然后按照提示,下载该组件 下载该组件,可能单击 download,没有反应,鼠标移动到要下载的软件位置,可用右击“目标另存为”方式下载要下载的组件 ...
To connect to a legacy workbook (such as .xls or .xlsb), the Access Database Engine OLEDB (or ACE) provider is required. To install this provider, go to thedownload pageand install the relevant (32 bit or 64 bit) version. If you don't have it installed, you'll see the following ...
To connect to a legacy workbook (such as .xls or .xlsb), the Access Database Engine OLEDB (or ACE) provider is required. To install this provider, go to thedownload pageand install the relevant (32 bit or 64 bit) version. If you don't have it installed, you'll see the following ...
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: DPI-1043:invalid number一般是excel表出现空值 还有就是一些生僻的汉字写入数据库的时候,报汉字编码错误,没找到合适的解决办法。 代码语言:javascript 复制 importcx_Oracleimportpandasaspd from sqlalchemyimportcreate_engine from sqlalchemyimporttypesimportopenpyxl ...
Oracle Data Integrator uses Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) to connect to a Microsoft Excel data server. See Section 8.2.3, "Connectivity Requirements" for more details. 8.1.1 Concepts A Microsoft Excel data server corresponds to one Microsoft Excel workbook (.xls file) that is accessible thro...