条件格式(Conditional Formatting)允许用户根据特定条件将格式应用于一个单元格或一系列单元格。 可以测试各种条件以应用格式: 根据值格式化单元格 格式化包含特定文本的单元格 格式化范围内排名靠前/靠后的单元格 格式重复 根据公式格式化单元格 基本用法 要使用条件格式,请选择要设置格式的单元格/单元格区域。 然后,从...
您可以使用 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 來建立公式型條件式格式化程式。 您可以在 VBA 條件式格式化程式中使用相對儲存格參考。 您可以將條件式格式設定套用至所選單元格以外的儲存格。 當您套用條件式格式設定時,您會注意到條件式格式設定未正確設定。
如下条件格式设置A2:A7单元格,当日期晚于今日日期时,字体变成红色并加黑。选择单元格 A2 到 A7。从 A2 拖动到 A7 以完成此操作。然后单击“开始” > “条件格式” > “新建规则”。在“新建格式规则”对话框中,单击“使用公式确定要设置格式的单元格”。在“为符合此公式的值设置格式”下,键入...
in excel, you can use conditional formatting to visually emphasize data points. for instance, you could highlight cells with values above a certain threshold in a different color. to do this, select the cells, go to the home tab, click on conditional formatting, and choose the rule that ...
Note: When using the Top/Bottom 10... conditional formatting, values that tie will all be highlighted.Top/Bottom 10% ExampleThe "Top 10%..." and "Bottom 10%..." rules will highlight cells with one of the appearance options based on the cell value being the top or bottom percent of...
In the Home tab of your ribbon, click Conditional Formatting. Then select Manage Rules. In the Conditional Formatting panel that appears, click the New Rule icon, which looks like a plus sign (+). Select the rule type (and, if needed, customize the condition). Select the formatting sty...
Keep Your Team in Sync with Real Time Conditional Formatting in Smartsheet Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and rep...
版本 Office Scripts API 閱讀英文版本 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 分享方式: Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 Reference Feedback Package: ExcelScript Represents the operator of the text conditional format type. Remarks Examples TypeScript /** * This script adds conditional formatting to the fi...
Part 1. Using Comparison Formulas in Conditional Formatting Equal to Step 1:Open your WPS Office spreadsheet and select the range of cells you want to apply the conditional formatting to. Select range cell Step 2: Go to the "Home" tab on the top menu. Click on "Conditional Formatting" in...