To color a single column based on some condition usingConditional Formatting, use the Relative Cell Reference or the Mixed Cell Reference (lock the column, not the row) of the first cell inside the formula. C4is the first cell of the column Book Type. We can use eitherC4or$C4, but not...
Color Scalesare the fourth type of conditional formatting. They provide a visual representation of data disposal within a dataset. You can mix two or three colors on the scale. Here’s how to apply color scales: Select cell rangeF6:F13. From theConditional Formattingdropdown, chooseColor Scales...
In the resulting submenu, choose either cell or font color. Filtering by the conditional format was easy, but the SUM() function doesn’t reflect the data that you see. If you want a stable value that reflects the entire data set, you’re done. If you want a function that evaluates on...
Color and ColorIndex The Color and ColorIndex properties of a Range object do not return the colour of the cell if the formatting has been applied as a consequence of Conditional Formatting.You can however use the DisplayFormat property to access the conditional formatting format.Note that the Di...
Interior.ColorIndex = lCol Then vResult = vResult + 1 End If Next rCell End If ColorFunction = vResult End Function Copy 步骤2:创建公式以按背景颜色对单元格进行计数和求和 粘贴上述代码后,关闭模块窗口,然后应用以下公式: 根据特定背景颜色对单元格进行计数:将下面提供的公式复制或键入到所需的单元...
InputBox("Select a conditional formatting color:", _ "Kutools for Excel", _ Type:=8) If Not sampleColor Is Nothing Then refColor = sampleColor.Cells(1, 1).DisplayFormat.Interior.color For Each cell In selectedRange If cell.DisplayFormat.Interior.color = refColor Then countByColor = count...
In Excel, you can use conditional formatting to highlight blank cells with acell coloror a color to the font of the value in the text. This tutorial will teach us to do it with two different methods. For example, below are a few dates; some of the cells are blank between dates, and...
By default, for 3-color scales, Excel uses the50th percentile, also known asmedianormidpoint. The median divides the dataset into two equal parts. Half of the values lie above the median and half are below the median. In our case, the cell that holds the median is colored white, the ...
Conditional formatting can help make patterns and trends in your data more apparent. To use it, you create rules that determine the format of cells based on their values, such as the following monthly temperature data with cell colors tied to cell values. You can apply conditional formatting ...