Text: the cell or text string you want to check if contains a specific text (the argument substring). 返回值: 此公式返回逻辑值。 如果单元格包含子字符串,则公式返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE。 这个公式如何运作 在这里您要检查单元格B4是否包含C4中的文本,请使用以下公式 ...
Substring: the specific text you want to search in the cell. Text: the cell or text string you want to check if contains a specific text (the argument substring). Return value: This formula returns a logical value. If the cell contains the substring, the formula returns TRUE, or it retu...
substring: the word that you want to find if it appears in the text string. text: the text string that you want to check from. 1. Please enter or copy the following formula into cell C2: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(C$1,$A2)),C$1,"") ...
Use Excel's ISNUMBER and SEARCH functions to see if a cell contains a specific piece of text. Excel lacks a CONTAINS function. 1.Use the SEARCH function to locate a substring's location inside a text string. Explanation: Excel appears at position 17, text appears at position 17, and c...
=SEARCH("substring", A1, start_position) Here replace "substring" with a reference to the cell you're searching for. For example, here, replace "substring" with B2. Then replace A1 with the reference to the cell that contains the text you want to search within. For example, here, repla...
A function namedFindSubstringwill be created (use any name as you prefer). valueis the cell reference that contains the string and it is declared as aRange. in cellE5, enter the following function: =FindSubstring(D5) D5is the cell that contains the string. ...
If you'd like to return your own message instead of the logical values of TRUE and FALSE, nest the above formula into the IF function: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("1zz", A2)), "Yes", "") If a cell contains the substring, the formula returns "Yes", an empty string ("") otherwise: ...
IF formula for numbers IF statement for text values Case-sensitive IF formula Excel IF contains partial text Using IF function with dates IF statement for blank and non-blank cells Check if two cells match IF formula to run another formula ...
必需条件:{substring}。 可选条件:{exclusive}。 between 在和upperBound条件之间lowerBound。 必需条件: {lowerBound,upperBound}。 可选条件:{exclusive}。 contains 标签包含子字符串条件。 必需条件:{substring}。 可选条件:{exclusive}。 endsWith
How do I add conditional formatting to a new document in Excel? To copy conditional formatting to a new workbook or sheet, select the cells you want to copy conditional formatting from, and click theFormat Painticon. Drag your cursor over the column, rows, or document to apply the rules. ...