可以是 XlAxisType 常量之一。 Index2 可选 Variant 指定坐标轴组。 3D 图表只有一组轴。 可以是 XlAxisGroup 常量之一。备注设置该属性时,必须至少输入一个参数的值。如果更改图表类型或 Axis.AxisGroup、Chart.AxisGroup 或 Series.AxisGroup 属性,Microsoft Excel 可能会创建或删除轴。
chartPropertiesDialog.property.chartLegendTextColor 图例文本颜色 Legend text color chartPropertiesDialog.property.chartSubTitle 图表子标题表达式 Chart subtitle expression chartPropertiesDialog.property.chartSubTitleColor 图表子标题颜色 Chart subtitle color chartPropertiesDialog.property.chartSubTitleFont 图表子标题字体...
When creating graphs in Excel, you can add titles to the horizontal and vertical axes to help your users understand what the chart data is about. To add the axis titles, do the following: Click anywhere within your Excel chart, then click theChart Elementsbutton and check theAxis Titlesbox....
Step 13:In the Format Axis pane, go to the Axis Options tab. Check the "Categories in Reverse Order" box under Axis Position. This will flip the order of the activities on the chart. Excel Categories in Reverse order You have successfully created a Gantt chart using Excel. This is a us...
How to add vertical line to scatter plot To highlight an important data point in a scatter chart and clearly define its position on the x-axis (or both x and y axes), you can create a vertical line for that specific data point like shown below: ...
valueAxis.load("displayUnit"); await context.sync(); console.log("The vertical axis display unit is: " + valueAxis.displayUnit); }); format Represents the formatting of a chart object, which includes line and font formatting. TypeScript 複製 readonly format: Excel.ChartAxisFormat; Property...
Choose "Axis Titles" and select either "Primary Horizontal" or "Primary Vertical." Type the desired label values directly into the placeholder or use custom labels from a range of cells. Press Enter to apply the labels to the chart. Summary In this comprehensive guide, we learned how to ...
I am trying to add in vertical lines to my line charts to represent an important data/event, and the way I went about doing so was adding in the max value of the y range for the specific date as seen below and making it into a bar chart. But the problem is I...
Chart Types xlChartTypeNumberVertical AxisHorizontal AxisComments xlArea1xlValuexlCategory xlAreaStacked76xlValuexlCategory xlAreaStacked10077xlValuexlCategory xlBarClustered57xlCategoryxlValue xlBarStacked58xlCategoryxlValue xlBarStacked10059xlCategoryxlValue...
chart1.title = "基于性别与消费数据之下的平均收入"chart1.y_axis.title = '性别'chart1.x_axis.title = '收入'# 将绘制出来的柱状图放在单元格中去data1 = Reference(sheet, min_col=2, min_row=1, max_row=3, max_col=3)#Including Headerscats1 = Reference(sheet, min_col=1, min_row=2, ...