In this step, we need to duplicate the data series to add a new chart to make a smooth area chart in Excel. First, select both Months and Sales columns. Then press the right button of your mouse and click on Copy. After that, paste it into your preferred cells. Step 3: Add New ...
要显示图表标题,必须设置ChartTitle对象的属性并且设置HasTitle为True。下面的代码在图表中显示标题“家电销售量”: ch.HasTitle = True ch.ChartTitle.Text = "家电销售量" 其中,变量ch引用已经存在的图表。注意,在设置ChartTitle对象的任何属性之前,必须将HasTitle属性设置为True,否则,会发生错误。 本例中,简单地设...
A Scatter chart has the following sub-types −Scatter Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers Scatter with Smooth Lines Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers Scatter with Straight LinesStep 5 − Point your mouse on each of the icons. A preview of that chart type will be shown on the ...
smooth 指定序列是否平滑。 仅适用于折线图和散点图。 TypeScript 复制 smooth?: boolean; 属性值 boolean 注解 [ API 集:ExcelApi 1.7 ]splitType 指定饼图或饼图条形图的两个部分的拆分方式。 TypeScript 复制 splitType?: Excel.ChartSplitType | "SplitByPosition" | "SplitByValue" | "SplitByPercent...
ch.ChartType = xlLineMarkersEndSub 生成的图表如下图所示。 控制图表外观 除了图表的类型外,还有许多选项用来控制图表看起来的样子,其中一些选项仅仅为表现外观,而另一些选项则表现图表传递给查看者的信息。 1、显示图表标题 在图表上方可以显示图表标题。下面列出的Chart对象的两个属性控制图表标题: ...
Insert a chart Select the cell range, in my example B21:C37. Go to tab "Insert" on the ribbon then press with left mouse button on the scatter chart button. Press with mouse on "Scatter with smooth lines" button. The chart shows up, clearly, we have to do a few changes to this ...
showLeaderLines 指定是否为系列中的每个数据标签显示前导线。 showShadow 指定序列是否具有阴影。 smooth 指定序列是否平滑。 仅适用于折线图和散点图。 splitType 指定饼图或饼图条形图的两个部分的拆分方式。 splitValue 指定用于分隔饼图或饼条形图的两个部分的阈值。 trendlines 系列中趋势线的集合。 varyByCatego...
Use this step-by-step how-to and discover the easiest and fastest way to make a chart or graph in Excel. Learn when to use certain chart types and graphical elements.
ActiveChart.ChartType=xlXYScatterSmooth '图表类型为XY平滑线散点图 ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(“结点坐标”).Range(“A1:B69”), PlotBy:= _ xlColumns '图表数据来源于"结点坐标"工作表的A1至B69单元格,且按列绘图。 ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet ...
Scatter Chart contains 7 types of Column charts, Scatter, Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers, Scatter with Smooth Lines, Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers, Scatter with Straight Lines, Bubble, and 3-D Bubble. Scatter with Straight Lines ...