Method 1 – Using the Format Axis Feature The sample dataset contains Employees’ Names and their respective Salary. A Column Chart was created. The X–axis represents the Employee Name, and the Y-axis represents the Salary. To reverse the X-axis by using the Format Axis Feature: Steps: ...
将红色 Line 改为 Scatter 图(下右)【选中红色Line - Chart Tools - Design - Change Chart Type - Scatter】 更改红线横纵轴分别为 E2:E7、G2:G7【选中图表 - Chart Tools - Design - Select data - Series2 - Edit】 让Y 轴...
有关详细信息,请参阅 ExcelScript.ChartAxisPosition。 getPositionAt() 指定其他轴交叉的轴位置。 应使用 SetPositionAt(double) 方法设置此属性。 getReversePlotOrder() 指定Excel 是否从最后一个到第一个绘制数据点。 getScaleType() 指定数值轴刻度类型。 有关详细信息,请参阅 ExcelScript.ChartAxisScaleType。
Adding a second axis to your Excel chart might sound a bit technical, but it's all about enhancing clarity and insight. Here are some good reasons to consider using a second axis: Different kinds of data. Imagine you're dealing with numbers and percentages at the same time. Putting them ...
Specifies the specified axis position where the other axis crosses. See Excel.ChartAxisPosition for details. positionAt Specifies the axis position where the other axis crosses. You should use the SetPositionAt(double) method to set this property. reversePlotOrder Specifies if Excel plots data point...
Step 2: Format the 100% Stacked Bar ChartFollow the formatting steps of Method 1 and you will get an output as shown below.You can also use categories in reverse order to move your X-axis data to the top.Click on the Y-axis data of your chart, Right-click on your mouse. Select ...
Next to Axis:Default X-Axis position High:X-Axis on Top of the Chart Low:X-Axis on the bottom of the Chart None:Removes X-Axis Label Change X-Axis in Reverse Order Suppose you need the X-Axis range in the reverse order. Now, manually editing the data source would be extremely tiring...
You can alsolink the chart titleto some cell on the sheet, so that it gets updated automatically every time the liked cell is updated. The detailed steps are explained inLinking axis titles to a certain cell on the sheet. If for some reason the title was not added automatically, then cli...
让Y 轴从 1 开始【双击纵轴- Axis Options - Minimum设置】并删去网线,删去纵轴 让曲线与 Y 轴相交(左下)【双击横轴- Axis Options -最下 Position Axis - On tick Marks】 采用误差线的方法添加横网线(右下) 【选中红线 - Chart Tools - Layout-Error Bars -最下 More Error Bars Options - Close】此...
If you really need the chart to be arranged the other way, it’s a simple two-step fix. First, format the vertical axis, and check the box for “Categories in reverse order”. See, now the top label in the worksheet is also the top label in the chart. Reversing the categories has...