在本文中,我将讨论在Excel中创建图表时如何跳过空白单元格。 在图表中将空白显示为零 跳过图表中的空白 在图表中将空白显示为零 要在图表中将空白单元格显示为零,您只需在创建图表后选中一个选项。 1.通过值创建图表后,右键单击图表,然后单击选择数据形成弹出的上下文菜单。 看截图: 2.然后在选择数据源对话框中...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Chart Control。備註 這個介面是由 Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 實作, 並不能實作於您的程式碼中。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime Overview。使用方式本文件說明此類型的版本,其會用在目標為 .NET Framework 4 或更新版本的 Office 專案中。
Skip blanks in chart To skip blanks directly in a chart, you need a formula before creating the chart. 1. Select a blank cell next to the values you want to create chart by, and type this formula =IF(ISBLANK(B2),#N/A,B2), B2 is the cell you use, and drag auto fill handle ...
ChartAxisTitle ChartAxisTitleFormat ChartBinOptions ChartBorder ChartBoxwhiskerOptions ChartCollection ChartDataLabel ChartDataLabelFormat ChartDataLabels ChartDataTable ChartDataTableFormat ChartDeactivatedEventArgs ChartDeletedEventArgs ChartErrorBars ChartErrorBarsFormat ChartFill ChartFont ChartFormatString ChartGrid...
2. In the Go To Special dialog, check Blanks option.3. Click OK, now all blank cells in the selection have been selected.4. Click Home tab, in the Cells group, click Delete > Delete Sheet Rows.Now the rows with blank cells have been removed....
Exclude Blanks Automatically Cleaning up blanks in a pivot table can become annoying over time. Setting up your pivot table to hide blank rows automatically saves time. To do this, you set up a template. Templates keep you from having to reformat your pivot tables every time you work with ...
reportMissingData("European"); } else { createContinentChart( sheet, "European", europeanContestRange, "A25", "F40" ); } await context.sync(); }); getLastCell() 获取区域内的最后一个单元格。 例如,“B2:D5”的最后一个单元格是“D5”。 TypeScript 复制 getLastCell(): Excel.Range; 返...
Tofilter out blanks, i.e. display non-blank cell, click the auto-filter arrow, make sure the(Select All)box is checked, and then clear(Blanks)at the bottom of the list. This will display only those rows that have any value in a given column. ...
To exclude "false positive" blank cells from the count, use theCOUNTIFSfunction with the "excluded" character in the second criterion. For example, to count cells with text in the range A2:A7 ignoring those that contain aspace character, use this formula: ...
0.8.2 Merged Don't break when loading an Excel file containing a chartsheet #466. Thanks to Andreas Lind for this contribution. Merged Hotfix/sheet order#257 #471. This fixes Sheet Order #257. Thanks to Robbi for this contribution. 0.8.3 Assimilated fix #79 outdated dependencies in unzi...