ScrollBar ScrollBars ScrollBars Properties _Default Application Count Creator Display3DShading Enabled Height LargeChange Left LinkedCell Locked Max Min OnAction Parent Placement PrintObject ShapeRange SmallChange Top Value Visible Width ZOrder Methods Series SeriesCollection SeriesLines ServerViewableItems ShadowFo...
The number of lines you want displayed when the down arrow is clicked. For example, if your list has 10 items and you don't want to scroll you can change the default number to 10. If you type a number that's less than the number of items in your list, a scroll bar is...
DefaultSize获取控件的默认大小。 (继承自VScrollBar。) DesignMode获取一个值,用以指示Component当前是否处于设计模式。 (继承自Component。) DisplayRectangle获取表示控件的显示区域的矩形。 (继承自Control。) Disposing获取一个值,该值指示Control基类是否在释放进程中。 (继承自Control。) ...
Excel 2010 reformats a worksheet when I change from protected view to enable editing Excel 2010 Scroll bar too long for size of sheet Excel 2010 Turns off Num Lock Excel 2010 won't open .tsv files EXCEL 2010: Changing zoom from 80% to 78% destroys fonts Excel 2010: Graph: Bring Series...
Size 获取或设置控件的高度和宽度。 (继承自 Control。) SmallChange 获取或设置小距离移动滚动框时,在 Value 属性中加上或减去的值。 (继承自 ScrollBar。) SourceName 获取或设置 VScrollBar 的链接源名称。 TabIndex 基础结构。 TabStop 基础结构。 Tag 获取或设置包含有关控件的数据的对象。 (继承自 Control...
ChangeHistoryDuration 返回或者设置共享工作簿的修订记录中所要显示修订信息的天数。 Integer 型,可读/写。 (继承自 _Workbook) ChartDataPointTrack 如果为 True ,则当前文档中的所有图表都会跟踪它所附加到的实际数据点。 False 将还原回跟踪数据点的索引。 C# 中的布尔值(bool ) 可读/写。 (继承自 _Workb...
You could achieve this by placing the method in change prop <vue-excel-column field="name" label="Name" type="string" width="150px" :change="onBeforeNameChange" /> <vue-excel-column field="phone" label="Contact" type="string" width="130px" :change="onBeforePhoneChange" /> <vue-ex...
ModelTableNameChange ModelTableNameChanges ModelTableNames ModelTables Module Modules ModuleView MultiThreadedCalculation Name Names NegativeBarFormat ODBCConnection ODBCError ODBCErrors OLEDBConnection OLEDBError OLEDBErrors OLEFormat OLEObject OLEObjectClass OLEObjectEvents OLEObjectEvents_Event OLEObjectEv...
Beginning with Excel 2016, Large Address Aware functionality lets 32-bit Excel consume twice the memory when users work on a 64-bit Windows operating system. For more information, seeLarge Address Aware capability change for Excel. Note:Adding tables to the Data Model increases the file size. ...
如果您卸载 UserForm, 是与 UserForm 或者, 是与 UserForm 上控件的事件过程中 (例如, 您单击 CommandButton 控件), 您可以使用 " 我 " 关键字代替的 UserForm 名称。 将关键字用于卸载 UserForm, " Me " 使用以下代码: Unload Me 如何使用 UserForm 事件 ...