Center across selection Exactly as its name suggests, this option centers the contents of the left-most cell across the selected cells. Visually, the result is indistinguishable from merging cells, except that the cells are not really merged. This may help you present the information in a better...
When the Format Cells window appears, select the Alignment tab. Click on "Center Across Selection" in the drop-down box called Horizontal.Now when you return to your spreadsheet, you should see the text centered across the cells that you selected....
'centre': 2, # "align: horiz centre" means xf.alignment.horz is set to 2 'right': 3, 'filled': 4, 'justified': 5, 'center_across_selection': 6, 'centre_across_selection': 6, 'distributed': 7, }, 'inde': IntULim(15), # restriction: 0 <= value <= 15 'indent': 'inde'...
horizontal(或horiz、horz):One of the following: general、left、center|centre、right、filled、justified、center|centre_across_selection、distributed其中之一,默认值是general indent(或inde):缩进值0到15,默认值0 rotation(或rota):-90到+90之间的整数值或stacked、none之一,默认值是none shrink_to_fit(或shri...
format cells ? alignment ? horizontal ? center across selection. The cells would have been merged and content in the cell would have aligned at the center. The catch here is that, if the cells contain multiple data, then the merging does not work properly. In fact, the cells will loo...
24xSt.get_Range(excel.Cells[rowIndex ,1], excel.Cells[rowIndex, dt.Columns.Count]).HorizontalAlignment=Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection; 25rowIndex++; 26foreach(DataColumn colindt.Columns) 27{ 28excel.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex]=col.ColumnName; ...
Method 2: Merge the cells using the Center across the Selection functionHere is another alternative method to merge the cells using the Centre across Selection Method. The Cell need not be merged while using this method. The steps to be followed are,...
Merged cells can also be hard to understand. If you're trying to center data, like a report header, then as a workaround, remove all merged cells, then format the cells using Center Across Selection. PressCtrl+1, then go toAlignment>Horizontal>Center Across Selection. ...
Note: there’s no equivalent for centre across selection for vertical alignment, so you may still need to use Merge and Centre for merging across rows. 2. Non-Tabular Layout One of the BIGGEST mistakes I see is data in the wrong layout like that below: ...
},'direction':'dire','horiz':'horz','horizontal':'horz','horz': {'general': 0,'left': 1,'center': 2,'centre': 2,#"align: horiz centre" means xf.alignment.horz is set to 2'right': 3,'filled': 4,'justified': 5,'center_across_selection': 6,'centre_across_selection': 6,...