Method 1 – Making a Cell Read-Only by Using the ‘Format Cells’ Command STEPS: Go to the file location and open your Excel file. Select all cells in the worksheet by clicking on the top left corner or pressing Ctrl + A. Right-click and select “Format Cells” . You can also open...
Read More:[Fixed!] This Excel Workbook Was Opened in Read-Only Mode Fix 2 – Disable Read-Only from Excel File Properties Steps: Right-click on the file. From the list, select thePropertiesoption. From theGeneraltab, unselect theRead-onlyattribute. Read More:How to Make a Cell Read-Only...
In my code I want to set a cell to be Read Only, so that users can't modify the value of that cell.But I cannot find a property to set.See below code: // first get a cell A1 Range temp = (Range)this .workSheet.Cells[1,1]; // then make it ReadOnly // The only ...
In my code I want to set a cell to be Read Only, so that users can't modify the value of that cell.But I cannot find a property to set.See below code: // first get a cell A1 Range temp = (Range)this .workSheet.Cells[1,1]; ...
cell: 返回某一引用区域的左上角单元格的格式、位置或内容等信息。 格式:=cell(信息类型,引用) 信息类型:字符串,用于指定所需的单元格信息类型 引用:需要了解其信息的单元格 ceiling: 将参数向上舍入(沿绝对值增大的方向)为最接近的整数,或最接近的指定基数的倍数。
1.设置表格内容为read only: XSSFSheet impactDataSheet = impactWorkbook.getSheetAt(0); impactDataSheet.protectSheet("password"); ... XSSFCellStyleunlockStyle=impactWorkbook.createCellStyle(); unlockStyle.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); unlockStyle...
第三步就是操作sheet中的cell了。需要注意的是,一个cell的位置由它所在的列跟行共同决定,比如一个cell,它在A列,并在第三行,就可以通过ws['A3']来访问。cell还具有row跟column属性,cell.row跟cell.column的数据类型如下图所示。 特别注意当用read_only模式载入workbook时,cell.row跟cell.column都是int对象。ce...
(values_only=True): if all(cell.value is not None for cell in row): visible_rows.append(row) # 将可见行转换为DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(visible_rows[1:], columns=visible_rows[0]) return df # 示例使用 file_path = 'example.xlsx' visible_data = read_visible_rows(file_path) print...
df=pd.read_excel('data.xlsx',encoding='utf-8')print(df)# 使用openpyxl库读取Excel文件fromopenpyxlimportload_workbook workbook=load_workbook('data.xlsx')worksheet=workbook.activeforrowinworksheet.iter_rows(values_only=True):decoded_row=[cell.decode('utf-8')ifisinstance(cell,bytes)elsecellforcell...