#005 Set myCell = Application.InputBox( _ #006 prompt:="请选择一个单元格或者区域", Type:=8) 'Type:=8代表是Range对象 #007 myCell.Select #008 End Sub Ø 运行结果如所示:Ø 代码说明:#003代码运行激活Sheet1工作表,弹出对话框我们可以选择Sheet1表的单元格,Type:=8代表...
Set myCell = Application.InputBox( _prompt:="Select a cell", Type:=8)
Input cell The cell in which each input value from a data table is substituted. Any cell on a worksheet can be the input cell. Although the input cell does not need to be part of the data table, the formulas in data tables must refer to the input cell. ...
prompt:="Select desired range you want the values to be changed", Default:=Range("E5:E13").Address, Type:=8) End With For p = 1 To InputRng.Rows.Count InputRng.Cells(p).GoalSeek Goal:=SetVal.Cells(p).Value, ChangingCell:=OutputRng.Cells(p) Next p End Sub Sets theSubname and ...
msgbox可以做函数也可以做sub, 实际上, vba定义了两个msgbox, 语法是: msgbox (prompt, [buttons], [title], [context]). 主要的就是: 提示, 消息框上包含哪些按钮或图标, 标题. inputbox是输入提示框: 是一个函数,因为必须要有返回值. input(prompt. [title], [default] , [x,y的坐标值]). ...
User Input (Cell Reference) UsingApplication.InputBox, we prompt the user to select a range of cells (cell reference). TheTypeargument is set to 8, allowing the user to enter a cell range or cell references. The selected range is assigned to therngvariable. ...
LargeOperationCellThousandCount Gibt die maximale Anzahl von Zellen zurück, die in einem Vorgang benötigt werden, über den eine Warnung ausgelöst wird, oder legt diese fest. Lese-/Schreibzugriff. (Geerbt von _Application) Left Der Abstand (in Punkt) vom linken Bildschirmrand zum ...
ThisCell 返回作为 对象从中 Range 调用用户定义函数的单元格。 (继承自 _Application) ThisWorkbook 返回一个 Workbook 对象,该对象表示运行当前宏代码的工作簿。 (继承自 _Application) ThousandsSeparator 将用于千位分隔符的字符设置为或返回字符串。 (继承自 _Application) Toolbars 仅供内部使用。 (继...
Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate Set myCell = Application.InputBox( _ prompt:="Select a cell", Type:=8) 此示例使用 InputBox,允许用户选择要传递给用户定义的函数“MyFunction”的区域,这将乘以区域中的三个值并返回结果。VB 复制 Sub Cbm_Value_Select() 'Set up the variables. Dim rng As Range ...
Excel.CellPropertiesFillLoadOptions Specifies which properties to load on the format.fill object. Excel.CellPropertiesFont Represents the format.font properties of getCellProperties, getRowProperties, and getColumnProperties, or the format.font input parameter of setCellProperties, setRowProperties, and...