方法/步骤 1 打开一个工作样表作为例子。如图所示:2 输入cell函数公式,并使用color参数。如图所示:3 cell函数公式的参数必须使用双引号包括。如图所示:4 这里我们可以查看e33的单元格格式中的颜色格式为负值显示为红色,与正数的黑色颜色不同,所以得值为1,如图所示:5 将单元格负数颜色修改为黑色后,得值为0...
Function FindColor(cell_range As Range, ByVal Format As String) As Variant Dim ColorValue As Variant ColorValue = Cells(cell_range.Row, cell_range.Column).Interior.color Select Case LCase(Format) Case "rgb" FindColor = (ColorValue Mod 256) & ", " & ((ColorValue \ 256) Mod 256) & ...
Get Cell Color Function Function returns the active cell interior or font color index, regardless of whether it was set by regular or Conditional Formatting.
1. 宏表函数因为是早期Excel函数,不能直接使用,要通过"名称"使用它 "插入"菜单-->名称-->定义-->上边输入定义名称名字color-->引用位置输入=GET.CELL(63,Sheet1!$A$1)+RAND()*0 -->然后,点右侧的"添加"按钮 2. B1输入公式=color, 此时B1的值就是A1单元格的背景颜色值。解释:a. GET...
Function GetCellColorIndex(Cell As Range) As Long ' 返回单元格的背景颜色的 ColorIndex 值 GetCellColorIndex = Cell.Interior.ColorIndex End Function 通过这个函数,我们把单元格的背景颜色转化为一个数字,这时K2单元格20这个数字的维度就变成了日期、商品和43。(Excel中背景颜色绿色的colorindex值为43,需要注...
To count cells with a particular background color, this is the function to use: CountCellsByColor(data_range, cell_color) Where: Data_rangeis a range in which to count cells. Cell_coloris a reference to the cell with the target fill color. ...
=COLORINDEXOFONECELL(A1,FALSE,1) The complete ColorIndexOfOneCell function follows: Function ColorIndexOfOneCell(Cell As Range, OfText As Boolean, _ DefaultColorIndex As Long) As Long ''' ' ColorIndexOfOneCell ' This returns the ColorIndex of the cell referenced by Cell. ' If Cell ...
Step 3 – Apply the COUNTIFS Function Select the cell where you want to see the count of colored cells. Apply the formula:=COUNTIFS($E5:$E$16,GetColorCode) Here, $E5:$E$16 is the range of the color code that we extracted from the user-defined formula. ...
The following table shows all possible values for theinfo_typeargument accepted by the Excel CELL function. Info_typeDescription "address"The address of the cell, returned as text. "col"The column number of the cell. "color"The number 1 if the cell is color-formatted for negative values; ...
I don't know how to code in VBA but am trying to automate an if/then calculation based on cell color. So I have many cells that are filled in with the...