Method 1 – Using a Combination of CELL, INDEX, and MATCH Functions Steps Select cell E5. Enter the following formula: =CELL("address",INDEX($B$5:$C$10,MATCH("Alisa",$B$5:$B$10,0),1)) Press Enter. The result will be the cell address of the desired value (Alisa), which is ...
Method 1 – Get Cell Value Using ADDRESS Function Steps: Go to cell D4 and insert the following formula: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(10,2)) Press Enter and this will find the item that you are looking for. Copy this formula to other cells and modify the criteria to find other items. Method 2...
As afinancial analyst, cell ADDRESS can be used to convert a column number to a letter, or vice versa. We can use the function to address the first cell or last cell in a range. Formula =ADDRESS(row_num, column_num, [abs_num], [a1], [sheet_text]) ...
cell address references the knowledge set) Excel 公式单元格地址引用知识集(The Excel formula cell address references the knowledge set) The Excel formula cell address references the knowledge set In 2010-01-29, after In the Excel formula, most Excel formulas refer to the contents of the cell. ...
FormulaResultDescription =ADDRESS(1,2)$B$1Absolute cell reference =ADDRESS(1,2,4)B1Relative cell reference =ADDRESS(1,2,2)B$1Relative column and absolute row =ADDRESS(1,2,3)$B1Absolute column and relative row =ADDRESS(1,2,1,FALSE)R1C2Absolute reference in the R1C1 style ...
Tip.To get various information about a cell, use theCELL function. How to change Excel cell reference in a formula To change a cell address in an existing formula, carry out these steps: Click on the cell that contains the formula and pressF2to enter the Edit mode, or double-click the...
Let’s apply the ADDRESS function in cell “D11”.Select the cell “D11,” where the ADDRESS function needs to be applied. Click the insert function button (fx) under the formula toolbar, and a dialog box will appear, type the keyword “ADDRESS” in the search for a function box, an...
The ADDRESS function returns the cell address as text, if you want to show the cell value in the cell address, you can to combine the ADDRESS function and the INDIRECT function to achieve this goal. Here is a formula in B4 which will obtain the cell value in B1. ...