Choose theInsert Column or Bar Chartoption. Select theStacked Columnoption from the drop-down. You have aStacked Column Chart,as shown in the following image. Step 4: Formatting the Chart Rename theChart Title,as shown in the image below. Here, we usedAdding Dummy Axis. Click on theChart ...
1。 点击库工具>图表>差异比较>截断 Y 轴图表,请参见屏幕截图: 2.在弹出的截断 Y 轴图表对话框: 1)分别选择坐标轴标签和系列值的数据范围选择数据框; 2) 指定并输入要截断 Y 轴所依据的起始和结束数据点; 3) 然后,点击OK关闭对话框。 3. 然后会弹出一个提示框提醒你会创建一个隐藏表来存储中间数据,请...
Especially in a bar chart, where the length of bars is important to comprehension, not some mathematical abstraction of length. Broken Axis Another suggestion is to “break” the axis, so that part of the axis shows the small values, then another part of the axis shows the large values, ...
ChartAxisTitleFormat ChartBinOptions ChartBorder ChartBoxwhiskerOptions ChartCollection ChartDataLabel ChartDataLabelFormat ChartDataLabels ChartDataTable ChartDataTableFormat ChartDeactivatedEventArgs ChartDeletedEventArgs ChartErrorBars ChartErrorBarsFormat ChartFill ChartFont ChartFormatString ChartGridlines ChartGrid...
可以是 XlAxisType 常量之一。 Index2 可选 Variant 指定坐标轴组。 3D 图表只有一组轴。 可以是 XlAxisGroup 常量之一。备注设置该属性时,必须至少输入一个参数的值。如果更改图表类型或 Axis.AxisGroup、Chart.AxisGroup 或 Series.AxisGroup 属性,Microsoft Excel 可能会创建或删除轴。
ChartAxisScaleType ChartAxisTickLabelPosition ChartAxisTickMark ChartAxisTimeUnit ChartAxisType ChartBinType ChartBoxQuartileCalculation ChartColorScheme ChartDataLabelPosition ChartDataSourceType ChartDisplayBlanksAs ChartErrorBarsInclude ChartErrorBarsType ...
BarShape CategoryLabelLevel ChartArea ChartColor ChartStyle ChartTitle ChartType CodeName Creator DataTable DepthPercent DisplayBlanksAs Elevation Floor GapDepth HasAxis HasDataTable HasLegend HasTitle HeightPercent Hyperlinks 索引 圖例 MailEnvelope 名稱 ...
(继承自_Chart) BarShape 返回或设置用于三维条形图或柱形图的形状。 (继承自_Chart) CategoryLabelLevel 返回一个XlCategoryLabelLevel常量,该常量引用类别标签的来源级别。 C# 中的整数(int) 读/写。 (继承自_Chart) ChartArea 返回一个ChartArea对象,该对象代表图表的完整图表区。
Hide the secondary y-axis to make your chart look cleaner. For this, on the same tab of theFormat Axispane, expand theLabelsnode and setLabel PositiontoNone. That's it! Your bar chart with a vertical average line is finished and good to go: ...
5. With Charts("Chart1").Axes(xlValue) .DisplayUnit= xlHundreds .HasTitle = True .AxisTitle.Caption = "Rebate Amounts" End With REF: