Excel为批注设置图片背景 打开EXCEL 点击文件 点选项 点击信任中心 点击信任中心设置 点击隐私选项 点击隐私设置 取消全部勾选 关闭EXCEL 重新打开再操作,在填充效果中 选图片出现 点脱机工作 就可以正常选图片了
报错信息 "bad request - request too long" 通常表示客户端发送给服务器的请求长度超过了服务器所能处...
I have two users getting the same error in Excel. The error says bad request too long. In the past I could have the user select Bing then work offline. But...
cRegexVerbNameTooLong = "CRegexVerbNameTooLong" Error en la expresión regular pattern. Un nombre es demasiado largo en (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP) o (*THEN). Se muestra como tipo de error #VALUE! en Excel. [ Conjunto de API: ExcelApi BETA (SOLO VERSIÓN PRELIMINAR) ] cRegex...
429 Too many requests This happens if a user makes too many requests within a short period of time. The throttling limit is unique to each request and it varies based on the request count, memory used, and other important factors. If throttling is occurring, it is suggested to add explicit...
DsExcel for java takes too long to import ssjson.(DOCXLS-4158) ToJSON throw Index out of bound exception.(DOCXLS-4161) [I/O Lossless]Support SpreadJS table expandBoundRows.(DOCXLS-4191) FromJSON throw error.(DOCXLS-4212) The font of the exported Excel file is bold.(DOCXLS-4054) Set...
The Microsoft Graph client is not expected to resend the failed request. 注意 For the regular pattern, the failed request is defined as the request that corresponds to the response. For the long-running operation pattern, the failed request is the one that triggers the failed operation. 3. ...
429 Too many requests This happens if a user makes too many requests within a short period of time. The throttling limit is unique to each request and it varies based on the request count, memory used, and other important factors. If throttling is occurring, it is suggested to add explicit...
At long last ExcelJS can support writing massive XLSX files in a scalable memory efficient manner. Performance has been optimised and even smaller spreadsheets can be faster to write than the document writer. Options have been added to control the use of shared strings and styles as these can ...
I have just one request; If you submit a pull request for a bugfix, please add a unit-test or integration-test (in the spec folder) that catches the problem. Even a PR that just has a failing test is fine - I can analyse what the test is doing and fix the code from that. ...