In this article, we will comprehensively cover calculating the average in Excel, particularly using theAVERAGE functionto find the average of certain numbers, rows/columns and a range of cells. We’ll also provide practical examples, such as finding the average of the top or bottom 5, the ave...
The AVERAGEIF function in Excel facilitates users in calculating the average of a specified range of cells that meet a specific condition. The syntax for implementing the Excel AVERAGEIF function consists of 3 arguments and is as follows: Syntax: AVERAGEIF (range, criteria, [average_range]) Arg...
1. Data rangeMake sure that the data range provided to the AVERAGE function covers only numerical values. Including non-numeric data in this function, like text or empty cells can lead to improper calculations or errors. 2. Empty cellsBe careful while dealing with Excel's cells that are empt...
(2) If you want to calculate the average of different cells/range from different worksheets in Excel, for example you want to calculate the average of Range A1:A5 in Sheet1, Range A3:A6 in Sheet2, Range A7:A9 in Sheet3, Range A2:A10 in Sheet4, and Range A4:A7 in Sheet5, you ...
AVERAGE: Finds the value of numbers in a particular cell and returns the mean value of one or more values. It can be names, arrays, and references that contain numbers. MIN: Finds the minimum value in a range of cells. Max: Finds the maximum value in a range of cells. ...
Calculate the Average of Only Cells with Values in Excel Steps: Select cell C16 and enter the following formula. =AVERAGEA(D5:D14) Range D5:D14 represents the scores in Physics. Read More: How to Average Only Visible Cells in Excel Download Practice Workbook You can download the practice...
The AVERAGE function can also be used for subtraction-like operations. This function calculates the average of a range of cells. If you need to find the difference between the averages of two ranges, you can use a formula like=AVERAGE(A1:A10)-AVERAGE(B1:B10). ...
Average values by cell font color If you want to get the average of a range values by the font color, you also can apply Count by Color of Kutools for Excel to quickly calculate. After free installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below: 1. Select the data range and click Kutools ...
14. How do I create a drop-down list in Excel? 如何在Excel中创建下拉列表? 15. Can you explain the SUM formula with the COUNTIF function and the ROW function in Excel and give an example of how to use it to calculate the cumulative average?
You can select a single cell, a range of adjacent cells, or non-adjacent cells. Entering Data –Double-click a cell to enter text, numbers, or dates. You can also use the F2 shortcut key to edit the cell. Using the Ribbon –The ribbon at the top organizes commands into tabs like ...