下面是一个示例,创建一个包含多行数据的表格,并自动调整行高: importorg.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;importorg.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;publicclassAutoWidthAndHeightDemo{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// 创建一个新的 Excel 文档Workbookworkbook=newXSSFWorkbook();// 创建一个工作表Sheetsh...
You can set specific widths for cells or columns by selecting the ‘Format Cells’ option. This opens a dialogue box where you can set a specific width to accommodate the contents. Efficient use of Autofitting in Excel Try using the ‘AutoFit Column Width’ option in the ‘Format’ menu to...
在Microsoft Excel中,在单元格格式设置中可手动设置自适应行高或自适应列宽,但通过代码,我们可以通过方法AutoFitColumns()或者AutoFitRows()来设置指定数据范围或整个工作表的自适应行高、列宽。这里设置自适应分以下2种情况来进行: 1. 固定数据,设置行高、列宽自适应数据 2. 固定行高、列宽,设置数据自适应行高、列宽(...
Apache POI的方法: 1. autoSizeColumn(int column)调整列宽以适应内容。2. setColumnWidth(int columnI...
一般来说可以直接使用 Sheet.autoSizeColumn方法自动调整每列的宽度。但是遇到包含中文的列,autoSizeColumn...
(0);cell1.setCellValue("This is a long text that needs to be wrapped.");// 创建单元格样式CellStylestyle=workbook.createCellStyle();style.setWrapText(true);cell1.setCellStyle(style);// 自动调整列宽sheet.autoSizeColumn(0);// 保存工作簿try(FileOutputStreamfileOut=newFileOutputStream("workbook...
ps:Excel有自动列宽方法(sheet.autoSizeColumn(列索引,short类型); //调整第一列宽度)也可以用,并且效率肯定是高于以下方法的,如果数据量非常大请忽略以下方法! 使用方法:在你的Excel文件的所有数据渲染完成后并且在写出浏览器或本地文件夹之前调用这个方法即可!
SubMy_MergeCell_AutoHeight() DimrhAsSingle, mwAsSingle DimrngAsRange, rrngAsRange, n1%, n2% DimawAsSingle, rh1AsSingle Dimm$, n$, k Dimir1, ir2, ic1, ic2 DimmySheetAsWorksheet DimselectedAAsRange DimwrkSheetAsWorksheet Application.ScreenUpdating =False ...
we’ll explore why column width matters in Excel spreadsheets, and different methods for adjusting column width, including manual adjustments, autofitting, and conditional formatting. We’ll also cover best practices for maintaining consistent column widths across multiple sheets, troubleshooting common pro...
For this, you must first select the single, multiple, or all columns to set the width. Next, go to “Format” in the cells group under the Home tab. Select the “Autofit Column Width” option from the list of options. Then, it autofits the width of all selected columns automatically ...