Example 1 – Make a Simple 2-D Area Chart in Excel Steps: Select rangeB6:E12. CellB6is the first cell of the columnWeekand cellE12is the last cell of the columnMacBook Pro 16. Go to theInserttab. SelectInsert Line or Area Chart. ...
Area Chart is available in 3D and 2D types in excel under the insert menu tab. An area chart can be used in various situations where we need to show how much certain points cover an area or population. The area chart actually is formed by lines that show different parameters and their t...
How to Create Stacked Area Chart with Negative Values in Excel How to Shade an Area of a Graph in Excel (With Easy Steps) How to Change the Order of an Excel Stacked Area Chart (With Quick Steps) How to Create an Area Chart in Excel (6 Suitable Examples)About...
返回一个 ChartArea 对象,该对象代表图表的完整图表区。 此为只读属性。语法表达式。ChartAreaexpression 是必需的。 返回 ChartArea 对象的表达式。示例本示例将 myChart 的图表区内部颜色设置为红色,并将边框颜色设置为蓝色。VB 复制 With myChart.ChartArea .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 .Border.ColorIndex = 5 ...
100% Stacked Area Chart. The Area Chart compares magnitudes between series, while the stacked and 100% stacked area charts compare contributions to a total. Try our AI Formula Generator Generate Preparing the Data Data preparation is very important with Area Charts. The data with the largest valu...
會傳回ChartArea物件,代表圖表的完整圖表區域。 唯讀。 語法 運算式。ChartArea expression代表Chart物件的變數。 範例 本範例會將 Chart1 的圖表區域內部色彩設定為紅色,並將框線色彩設定為藍色。 VB WithCharts("Chart1").ChartArea .Interior.ColorIndex =3.Border.ColorIndex =5EndWith ...
有关设置绘图区格式的信息,请参阅 PlotArea 对象。使用Chart 对象的 ChartArea 属性可返回ChartArea 对象。示例以下示例关闭名为 Sheet1 的工作表上嵌入图表 1 中的图表区的边框。VB 复制 Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(1).Chart. _ ChartArea.Format.Line.Visible = False ...
JSON.stringify (,依次调用toJSON传递给它的 对象的 方法。) 虽然原始Excel.ChartPlotArea对象是 API 对象,toJSON但该方法返回一个纯 JavaScript 对象, (类型为 Excel.Interfaces.ChartPlotAreaData) ,其中包含从原始对象加载的任何子属性的浅表副本。属性详细信息...
How to select the best Excel chart? What are the most popular Excel charts and graphs types? When to use a Line chart When to use a Clustered column chart Combination chart Stacked column chart 100% stacked column chart Stacked area chart ...
Examples The following code example creates aChartand then uses theChartAreaproperty to modify the weight and color of the chart area border. C# privatevoidUseChartArea(){this.Range["A1","A5"].Value2 =22;this.Range["B1","B5"].Value2 =55; Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Chart chart1 =thi...