向最受好評的程式設計講師學習完美運用 Excel VBA 語言的方法。無論您是想要在 Access、Excel、Word、Outlook 或 Powerpoint 中自動執行任務,Udemy 都能提供合適課程,協助您運用 Excel VBA 有效率地執行程式。
什么是宏和VBA 译 【第2集】02. 录制第一个宏 译 【第5集】05. 宏文件安全设置 译 【第6集】06. 使用相对引用录制宏 译 【第7集】07. 通过表单控件运行宏 译 【第10集】10. 熟悉VBE开发环境 译 【第12集】12. 编写运行VBA代码补充知识 译 【第15集】15. 多变量声明 译 【第18集...
Master Microsoft Excel Macros and VBA in 6 Simple Projects – covers macros and VBA in detail so you learn how to automate excel tasks and how to create VBA procedures etc. This course was created with Excel 2013. But all features work in Excel 2010, 2013 and 2016. You get lifetime acc...
Rewarded upon successful completion of your training course and test. See sample “Best place to start learning about VBA/Macro's! What a great course!” Others who bought this course also viewed Microsoft Excel 365 - Basic & Advanced
VBA Macros Course Bundle Specialization (18 Course Series | 13 Mock Tests):Master Excel VBA programming to automate repetitive tasks, build custom functions, and enhance Excel's capabilities for data manipulation and analysis. Excel & VBA for Finance: Analysis & Automation Specialization (28 Course ...
第2章 VBA实例讲解(1) Excel表VBA实例讲解视频合集:2-1使用InputBox、MsgBox测试输入信息.mp4 VIP 播放 Excel表VBA实例讲解视频合集:2-2改变MsgBox的类型、使用IF语句进行逻辑判断.mp4 VIP 播放 Excel表VBA实例讲解视频合集:2-3使用for循环比较数据.mp4 ...
【VBA视频合集】Word VBA教程 Excel VBA教程 WordVBA教程 ExcelVBA教程听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
I just didn't give the full 5 stars because the course is too short. It's actually so well explained that we want to learn more. I one is looking for an introduction to VBA, this is the perfect course. And I would recommend people to joint this course in the near future. But this...
Excel VBA - The Complete Excel VBA Course for Beginners 总共12.5 小时更新日期 2022年8月 评分:4.5,满分 5 分4.58,676 当前价格US$12.99 原价US$74.99 显示更多 常见购买搭配 Excel VBA Programming - The Complete Guide Automate your Microsoft Excel workflow, accelerate your productivity, and master progr...
不光是Excel , Word , PPT 都要学,这是职场的三把斧,甚至有时间,也可再学学VBA及Access数据库...