1.1 Generate random numbers in Excel To generate or insert multiple random numbers in a worksheet, the normal RAND or RANDBETWEEN function can help you a lot. Besides the formulas, there are other codes and easy tools that also can do you a favor. ...
在本教程中,我將介紹一些公式來幫助您在Excel中僅生成隨機偶數或僅生成隨機奇數。 僅將偶數隨機化 僅將奇數隨機化 僅將偶數隨機化 這是Excel中的公式,只能將偶數隨機化。 選擇一個空白單元格,然後鍵入此公式=偶(RANDBETWEEN(X,Y))(X和Y表示任何整數,而X=偶(RANDBETWEEN(-5,10))進入一個空單元格,按Enter鍵,...
在本教程中,我将介绍一些公式来帮助您在Excel中仅生成随机偶数或仅生成随机奇数。 仅将偶数随机化 仅将奇数随机化 在Excel中随机化整数,日期,时间,字符串或自定义列表 仅将偶数随机化 这是Excel中的公式,只能将偶数随机化。 选择一个空白单元格,然后键入此公式=偶(RANDBETWEEN(X,Y))(X和Y表示任何整数,而X=偶...
Create a new column and use the following formula to the first cell of the column. =SORTBY(B5:B20,RANDARRAY(COUNTA(B5:B20))) 💡 Formula Breakdown COUNTA(B5:B20) returns the number of cells in the lookup array (B5:B20) Output=> 16. RANDARRAY(16) gives 16 random numbers for the 16...
Columns(optional) - defines how many columns to fill. If omitted, defaults to 1 column. Min(optional) - the smallest random number to produce. If not specified, the default 0 value is used. Max(optional) - the largest random number to create. If not specified, the default 1 value is ...
3。 保存并关闭代码,然后在空白单元格中输入此公式= RandomNumbers(X,Y,Z),X表示数字的下限,Y指示数字的上限,并且Z是指定的随机数小数位。 例如,我要生成50到1000之间的一些整数,可以插入此公式=随机数(50,1000,0); 并使用此公式=在50到100之间插入2位小数的随机数随机数(50,100,2)。 请参阅以下屏幕截...
Generate 4-digit random numbers into column B. How Does the Formula Work? RAND()*(9999-1000)+1000,0: This will mainly multiply RAND() with 9999 to generate only 4-digit random numbers. ROUND(RAND()*(9999-1000)+1000,0): This will remove the extra decimal numbers and generate only the...
Related:How to Generate Random Numbers in Google Sheets Use the Random Number Generator in Excel With an add-in from Microsoft calledAnalysis ToolPak, you can perform many statistical and engineering operations such asfinding a moving average. Another feature of the tool is a random number generat...
3. 然後,關閉代碼並返回工作表,在空白單元格中鍵入此公式 = RandomNumbers(X,Y,Z). 備註:在以上公式中, X 表示數字的下限, Y 表示數字的上限,和 Z 是隨機數的指定小數位,請將其更改為您需要的數字。 1.) 要生成 50 到 200 之間的隨機整數,請使用以下公式: ...
This tells Excel to generate a random number that falls between 0 to 100. In other words, an integer that is equal to or greater than 0 but smaller or equal to 100 Hit “Enter” and there you go. That’s how you can create random integer numbers in excel. Need more of them? 4...