例如,您將在Excel中的一批日期中添加6年,可以執行以下操作: = DATE(YEAR(日期)+年數,MONTH(日期),天(日期)) 1。 選擇要放置計算結果的空白單元格,鍵入公式= DATE(YEAR(A2)+ 6,MONTH(A2),DAY(A2)),然後按Enter鍵。 備註:要從日期中減去6年,請應用此公式= DATE(YEAR(A2)-6,MONTH(A2),DAY(A2)). ...
While there isn’t a specific shortcut, using the formula or the arithmetic method is a quick and effective way to add weeks to a date in Excel. Can I add fractional weeks to a date in Excel? Yes, the formula for adding weeks supports fractional values. For instance, to add 1.5 weeks...
Read More: How to Add 6 Months to a Date in Excel Example 3 – Combine the COUNTIFS and the EDATE Functions to Add Months to the Date To count how many orders will be delivered from June 2020 to September 2020: Steps: Enter the formula in F6. Press Enter. =COUNTIFS(C5:C12,">="&...
Add Six Months =EDATE(B3,6) Subtract Months From a Date The EDATE Function can also be used to subtract months from a date. Subtract One Month =EDATE(B3,-1) Subtract Six Months =EDATE(B3,-6) What About End of the Month? If the day of the start date is greater than the number ...
=EDATE(start_date,num_of_months)Start_date: the date in which you want to add months.Num_of_months: The number of months you want to add in start date.Add months Formula using DATE function in ExcelWe extracted year, month and date from the date using the respective excel function of...
Add Months to a Date in Excel To start the month addition process, open your spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel. In your spreadsheet, select the cell in which you want to see the resulting date. In your selected cell, type the following function and press Enter. In this function, replace ...
in this tutorial, it introduces formulas to add months to a given date in Excel, and explains how the formulas work. Formula 1Generic formula:DATE(YEAR(date),MONTH(date))+months,DAY(date))) ArgumentsDate: the date you want to add months to. Months: a whole number which represents the ...
如果你有Kutools for Excel,您可以根據需要應用其添加的年/月/日/週的公式組來處理Excel中的問題。 Excel的Kutools提供 300 多種進階功能來簡化複雜的任務,提高創造力和效率。AI 功能增強,Kutools 精確地自動執行任務,使資料管理變得毫不費力。Kutools for Excel 的詳細資料...免費試用... ...
In some cases, you may need to add or subtract years, months, and days at the same time, says add 3 years 5 months and 15 days. In this case, you can apply the DATE function to solve the problem. = DATE(YEAR(date) + number of years, MONTH(date) + number of months, DAY(...
For example, you add 3 weeks to the date in A2, use the following formula:=A2+3*7. Subtracting weeksfrom date in Excel: cell-N weeks* 7 To subtract 2 weeks from today's date, you write=TODAY()-2*7. How to add / subtract months to date in Excel ...