If you have data range as shown as below, and you want to make two y axes in chart for more clearly viewing the data, how could you do? Here I will tell you the detail on making two y axes in a chart in Excel.Make two y axis in chartMake two y axis in chart ...
xlChart.set_HasAxis(Excel.XlAxisType.xlValue, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlSecondary , Type.Missing); ((Excel.Series)xlChart.SeriesCollection(1)).ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlLineMarkers; ((Excel.Series)xlChart.SeriesCollection(2)).ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlLineMarkers; ((Excel.Series)xlCha...
One of the old combination chart types was a Line-Column on 2 Axes, and that would be useful in this situation, where we can barely see one of the series.So again, I will select cases series, and format the selection.Right now it's on the primary axis, and I'll put it on the ...
c.ChartArea.LegendBox.IsVisible=False c.FrameBorder.BorderType=BorderType.LinesCrossed c.FrameBorder.LineStep=10 c.ChartArea.AxisY2.IsMajorGridVisible=False Dims0AsSeries=NewSeries s0.IsPrimaryAxisY=True c.ChartArea.AxisY.DefaultLabel.Color=Color.Green s0.DefaultDataPoint.Color=Color.Green s0....
In the first step of the chart wizard, click on the Custom Types tab. Scroll down to the Line - Column on 2 Axes chart type, as shown in Figure 1. Excel will take care of formatting the chart with two axes and will place the last series as a line chart on the secondary axis....
Not sure how to create a combination Line-Column chart in Excel? QI Macros will do it in seconds. Try now for free. No cc required.
即对于二维坐标系内的每个点,都具有两个维度;对于一个柱,也需要两个维度。 Chart data range: 数据来源范围 左下方的Legend Entries(series)是纵坐标数据来源; 纵坐标数据来源的名字可以更改,不用单元格内的名字(双击Edit修改) 3.右下方的Horizontal(Category)Axis Labels是横坐标的名称。
Hello, I cannot get the second Y axis of my chart to line up with the maximum value on the X axis and I need help. The chart resembles this:As you can...
When the Change Chart Type window appears, select the 4th chart under the Line Chart section. Click on the OK button. Now when you view the chart, you should see that Series 2 has changed to a line graph. However, we still need to set up a secondary Y-axis as Series 2 is currently...
Specifies the alignment for the specified axis tick label. See Excel.ChartTextHorizontalAlignment for detail. axisGroup Specifies the group for the specified axis. See Excel.ChartAxisGroup for details. baseTimeUnit Specifies the base unit for the specified category axis. categoryType Specifies the cat...