Credit Rating is an important characteristic of company in financial market. Investors determine the appropriate yields (required return) for the assets such as Bonds and CDO tranches, based on credit rating. Current methodology for measuring credit rating for synthetic instruments is based on ...
doi:10.1142/S0219455420410059Patrick SalcherChristoph AdamWorld Scientific Publishing CompanyInternational Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
The approach presented here is a simpler, more robust method that continuously and in real-time calculates response spectra exceedance. Details on the novel approach are presented along with an example implementation for a very large energy production company.D.A. SkolnikM. Ciudad-RealM. Franke...
FIREWORKSWORLD Health OrganizationEBSCO Information Services (Company)DATA analysisFirework noise, generated in short bursts, poses health risks. The objective of the research was to compare the sound pressure levels generated by fireworks with the World Health Organization's (WHO) n...