# make sure to raise both the value of somaxconn and tcp_max_syn_backlog # in order to get the desired effect. # 在高并发环境下你需要一个高backlog值来避免慢客户端连接问题。注意Linux内核默默地将这个值减小 #到/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn的值,所以需要确认增大somaxconn和tcp_max_syn_backlog...
Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)) -gt 0) { $totalBytesRead = $totalBytesRead + $bytesRead # You've reached the end of the file. if($totalBytesRead -eq $FileSize) { $last = $true # Copy to a new buffer that has the correct size. $lastBuffer = New-Object...
: length of MQTT message, max length is 1024 by default. Users can change the max length limitation by setting MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTE in make menuconfig. I set MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTE to 2048 in make menuconfig, But " AT+MQTTPUBRAW=0,"/devices/my-device/state",1025,2,0 ERROR " , som...
The virtioQueue Sizedefines the total amount ofvring slotsin the two virtio ringbuffers used for communication betweeen driver and device, which basically is the max. amount of messages both sides can push into the FIFO before probably having to wait for the other side to pull some of the p...
You can also log into MySQL console and run the following command to set max_allowed_packet size for the duration of the session. set global net_buffer_length=1000000; set global max_allowed_packet=1000000000; When finished above commands,exit and restart mysql then login again. ...
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "maxDate": "Value does not fall within the expected range.". [File System Task] Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. [Flat File Source [2]] Error: Cannot...
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "maxDate": "Value does not fall within the expected range.". [File System Task] Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. [Flat File Source [2]] Error: Cannot...