CBSE Exams, Know all about Summative Evaluation and Formative Evaluation. CBSE Entrance exams - Get study materials and sample papers to prepare for CBSE exam.
Upcoming Bank Exams 2025 is the list of vacancies released this year. The banking exams 2025, including those conducted by IBPS, SBI, IBPS RRB, RBI, and other leading public and private banks, will assess candidates through written tests, group discussions, and interviews. Posted...
All India PMT, conducted by CBSE is another example where admission is based on national test and state level tests. CAT or Common Admission Test is conducted for admission into the prestigious IIMs and other top business schools. CAT is an all India test that comprises of objective type exam...
Official Website - National Institute of Open Schooling NIOS was established in 1989 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government of India. It is also called National Open School. It is similar to other board which conducts class 3rd...
Now, you may have understood that teaching exams are broadly categorised into three: PRT, TGT, and PGT. However, the exams will still vary. For example, CBSE conducts CTET at the national level. At the same time, there are other exams conducted at the state level, such as: ...
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CTET Dec 2024 Notification, Eligibility Criteria, Fee, Application Last Date, Exam Date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Result, Passing Marks The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, has released the notification for the Central... ...
These are just a few examples, and there are many more entrance exams conducted by various institutions and universities across India. The specific exams you need to take will depend on your chosen field of study and the institutions you aspire to join. It’s important to check the latest up...
CBSE Sarkari Result 10th, 12th 2024 इन 4 लिंको पर आज जारी होगा यूपी बोर्ड दसवीं रिजल्ट 2024 - ऐसे चेक करें अपना हाई स्कू...
Candidates can apply online for several government jobs such as RRB Ministerial and Isolated categories, MPPSC, CUET PG, CBSE Superintendent & Junior Assistant, RBI JE, etc. Top Exams in India A number of exams are conducted every year in India. Major universities, schools and colleges, ...